As we have been seeing, there have been some kinks in process. The only prospect to bid on the property so far is having issues with the quartzite and may either pull out all together or drastically change the project.

I have NO information on either.

But recently it has come to light that Bucktooth & Bowlcut may have killed it all together by asking for impossible demands from the Railroad. Of course, as I am finding out, the RR does whatever they want to.

The project was pretty much dead until some other big shots intervened and all the demands were dropped.

Maybe B & B getting the project totally killed would not have been so bad after all? Nothing really has changed for DTSF residents. Still tons of train traffic and noise and questionable storage of cars by the river and parks.

I still maintain that the RR Relocation project was one of the worst negotiated projects in the history of our city.

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Was the RR Relocation project really the biggest accomplishment of the last mayor?”
  1. The railroad is still laughing. They got 40 million for cut up rock sub grade toxic waste land with no value.

  2. Why didn’t the City start development at the north end of the 10 acres instead of the south end?

    Jeff Scherschligt has been waiting for years to build Cherapa II.

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