Who is Councilor Theresa Stehly going to vote for?

Trust me, if I had the answer to that question, I would let you know. I do know at this point she is undecided, and she has told me so. But I do think she is leaning towards one of them.

She has said she has had several wonderful private conversations with both. Mostly to lay out what her agenda will be on the council over the next two years. I think that is a good approach.

She told me she has to work with either and it would be unfair to endorse or even tell people who she is voting for, and I agree.

But let’s look at reality here folks, doesn’t matter if it is Jo or Paul, the council is the policy making board of the city, and you are going to see that happening. I think councilors Neitzert, Erickson, Starr, Stehly and Brekke would be the first to tell you they are going to take that bull by the horns come May 16. And if DeBoer wins (GO ZACH!) you will see another added to that team. It could become a very lonely place for Kiley and Selberg no matter who is sitting at city hall.

I think you will see one of the strongest councils since the new charter was formed. Be for warned, when you combine a strong legislative body with more open government, things are going to seem very messy for awhile, but this is what government is supposed to look like when it is out in the sunshine and not behind closed doors. I think all of the sausage making will be beneficial to the citizens in the end.

I sat down for 45 minutes yesterday with mayoral candidate TenHaken, we discussed many things like public input, public funding of the arts and the Pavilion, satire in politics and forensic audits and budgeting. I told Paul that it will be essential for the next mayor and council to put on the brakes in 2018 and start from scratch. Really take an in depth look at our finances before moving forward with any new fees, taxes or monument projects like baseball stadiums. I told him that I don’t think the citizenry will hold it against the mayor or the council for taking this year for a gut check, I think most would praise them for it.

I look forward to 2018 no matter who becomes mayor. And when there is missteps, I will make sure they are held accountable.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, April 23-24, 2018

Audit Committee Meeting, 4 PM Monday

External Audit Results from Eide Bailly

2018 Audit Plan

RFP Auditing Plan

Joint SF City Council/Minnehaha County Commission Meeting, 4 PM Tuesday

Update on Siouxland Museums Enterprise Funds

Change orders for archive building

Helpline Center Community Program Trends

City Council Informational Meeting, 4:30 Tuesday

Wastewater agreements with Tea and Harrisburg

Public Facility Consultant study. Honestly, I read this 90 page report and I am more confused now than before I read it. A lot of mumbo jumbo about population and attendance. I wonder how much we paid for that monstrosity; DOC: SF-Facility-Study

Executive Session. I have no clue what this is about.

Wish list for new Council & Mayor

The first thing on my list is going to be asking the new council and administration to pass an ordinance that will restructure the entertainment tax to give a percentage to local public art projects.

My hope would be to give around $1 million a year to the projects.

I would be adamant about using local independent artists, contractors and artisans. In fact it would have to be written into the program. NO one attached to other public art facilities or projects like the EC or Pavilion.

The projects would be for beautifying the city, like mini parks, murals, sculptures, gardens etc., in dead spaces around town.

Besides downtown a good place to start would be the gateway to Sioux Falls from the airport.

What’s on your wish list that would be revenue neutral?

TenHaken will not be attending Diversity Forum on Sunday

Paul says his faith prevents him from attending;

Paul TenHaken This event was promoted before I had the opportunity to accept and my schedule does not allow for me to be there. The mayor’s office is a 24/7 job, but Sunday’s are for faith and family and not campaigning. I have had a chance to meet many of you over these past few months and I look forward to talking with all of you in the near future.

While I won’t defend Paul’s excuse, because I do not attend religious ceremonies on Sunday, I have a feeling he knew the piling on would occur. All the better for Loetscher I guess.