The Non-Communicator Endorses the Communicator

Just when you thought the toddler donations, the church endorsements, and selfies were enough, he gets Dave’s endorsement. This quote had me in stitches;

“Paul is a strong communicator as well as a good listener.”

Whether that is true or not, I’m not sure. But Dave is the last person to talk about strong communicators. This guy signed off on a 100% cost overrun on Phillips to the Falls without a peep to the council, the media, or his Tuesday afternoon Ice Tea drinking pinnacle club.

Go Paul! Let’s communicate!

Sioux Falls City Council votes to allow Sanford to ‘park’ a liquor license at their foundation house

So the dirty little secret comes out. Sanford Health has NO intention to use the liquor license at the foundation house, just to ‘park’ it there until they open another bar/restaurant at the sports complex.

So with so many people wanting a liquor license in town, to actually use, and generate tax revenue, the city council has allowed Sanford to actually SIT on a license, an organization that should be using all of their revenue to actually help the sick and dying instead buying up liquor licenses.

If you don’t think our city government hasn’t been bought and paid for by Sanford, you are one naive little turkey.

I was actually embarrassed that not one single councilor voted against it. I guess it is OK for a healthcare organization to horde liquor licenses but a family business owner can’t sell a Bud Light at a movie.

Shake my F’cking head.

Did Pheasant Fest even have a very big economic impact?

I’m sure some of the restaurants and vendors at the event had a little bump. But it certainly didn’t affect our sales tax much, (City Council is getting briefed on March Financials, the report document is to the right in SIRE) and it certainly didn’t affect lodging. The hotel tax is down over 14% from last year, which equates to the occupancy rates being down.

I was hoping Pheasant Fest would have a major affect on the tax rolls in Sioux Falls, but it seems like it really didn’t make a difference at all. Which I am very surprised about.

I would really like to hear from the CVB as to why hotel stays are down so much from last year.

TenHaken donor gives his children quite the allowance

“Hey Johnny, I’m going to give you $1,010 this week for an allowance,” Dad. “WOW! Thanks Dad. What did I do to deserve it?” Johnny. “Ah, there’s a catch, $10 is for you and you are going to do your civic duty and experience your first campaign contribution by giving the remainder $1,000 to the mayoral candidate of your choice, who of course isn’t a Democrat, or a woman.”

Mr. Eric McDonald, who is the CEO of DocuTap, gave his $1,000 limit, than it seems his children (who I believe are all under 18)* gave their $1,000 limit (Eric’s name is spelled incorrectly below, Full document from TenHaken financial report: 20180305-TenHaken-cfdr)

*It is okay for people under the age of 18 to contribute to campaigns.

While it is not against the law for people under the age of 18 to contribute to a political campaign, where it becomes questionable is HOW that contribution was given. Did Eric just cut a $6,000 check to TenHaken and whip his kid’s names on the finance report? Or did each kid write a check from separate accounts? And if they did, will they file taxes and report those contributions? Also, if the children do have their own accounts (how cute) where does the money come from? The irony is I don’t even think some of Eric’s kids are even old enough to hold a pen.

As I have mentioned before, it comes down to ‘ETHICS’ with Paul. And while this appears to be legal, it certainly is ethically questionable for toddlers to be donating $1,000 to TenHaken’s campaign.

Clearing the air about Danielson lawsuit

After listening to a morning radio show, I feel like some things need to be cleared up about Danielson’s lawsuit.

I will probably be called as a witness, so I will not comment on that part of the lawsuit, but I can comment about what we know.

Some are wondering why it took 3 years to file?

Danielson subsequently filed a criminal complaint into the incident with the state Division of Criminal Investigation, but nothing ever came of the complaint

If you read the suit, you will see that Danielson reported the incident right away to DCI. He didn’t sit on this for 3 years. Some have questioned the timing with Huether leaving office and Jackley being in the June primary;

Danielson said Monday that he filed the suit ahead of the statute of limitations, which would have kicked in three years after the incident.

He had to file it NOW or it would have been gone forever.

Like I said, as a witness I will not discuss the evidence, etc, but you can read for yourself the lawsuit HERE.