Former Central District Candidate Bardon ENDORSES Zach DeBoer for City Council

This is a great endorsement for Zach, and I have a feeling he will get more throughout the week;

****For Immediate Release April 14, 2018 5:30PM****

Media Advisory

From the Thor Bardon for City Council Campaign

At this time Thor Bardon’s campaign releases the following statement:

It is a great please at this time to announce that Thor Bardon is officially endorsing Zach DeBoer for Central District City Council in Sioux Falls.

“After starting this campaign journey eight months ago, I have been consistently impressed by the campaign efforts of Zach DeBoer in his run for the Central District City Council position”, says Bardon, “His work ethic and drive are above and beyond what we normally see from a candidate.  This is evident in his active participation in several public boards, and community activism.  I believe with DeBoer in office, we will see a strong and independent leader that will listen to the public and change the Council for the better, without being influenced unfairly from developers or current city administrators.”

Who will be the next chair and vice chair of Sioux Falls City Council?

Okay, I know, the dust hasn’t cleared yet, but the installation of the NEW council is right around the bend. First order of business will be electing a new Chair and Vice-chair. If tradition continues as usual, the vice-chair will likely be chair. Since Erickson won her re-election bid by a considerable amount, I expect her to be elected chair. But their has been upsets in the past. Could the new council be upset with Christine enough over the DT Parking ramp deal that they just elect a new person? Maybe.

The likely candidates are Selberg, Neitzert or Starr. Don’t expect Stehly or any of the new councilors to take on the position. If Erickson wins chair, I would like to see Starr as Vice-Chair. If Erickson gets booted, I would like to see Starr as chair and Neitzert as vice-chair.

I asked a city councilor today if there has been any background noise on the nominations and they told me they have heard nothing but they think Erickson will probably become chair. Depending on who rolls in on the Central District (GO ZACH!) you could see a major change up in leadership.

Lot’s of things to think about in the NEW ERA at Carnegie Hall.

‘COO’ Talks

On Monday night, USF is having what they are calling COO Talks. This year it’s “A robust evening of having our eyes opened to the ‘Scandal of Poverty’ in its various forms.” Faculty and staff and members of the community will present 12-minute talks.

When?  Monday, April 16 at 7 pm until 8:15 or so.

Where?  Zbornik Hall (Room 120) of the Salsbury Science Center on the USF campus. The Salsbury Science Center is at the corner of Summit Ave and 23rd St, and there is a parking lot adjacent to the building.

Cost: No cost for the event. Attendees, if they are able, are invited to contribute non-perishable food items at the door.

WHY? “The organizers of this week-long event believe that poverty is a scandal (in the truest sense of the word), and that many of our students are simply unaware of its impact on our community, in our region, and around the world.”

Exposure is the first step: increasing awareness creates desire to see change, and that desire is critical to inspiring action.

This is a kick-off event to a week-long focus on poverty at USF.  Tuesday, in addition to a morning Chapel service on the topic, there will be two poverty simulations (at 1 pm and 6 pm) in which about 100 students will participate.  Wednesday, they will have an opportunity to donate their Flex money (used for retail dining on-campus) to the cause, and our food service provide will purchase food for The Banquet at their corporate rate.”

On Monday night, I will do one of the talks, called “You may not need Medicaid Expansion, but your Neighbor does.”  I will suggest this: Right now we can seek out candidates for governor and state legislature, and ask if they will work to expand Medicaid.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, April 17, 2018

Informational Meeting

We will get to hear the March financial report. The city hasn’t posted ANY financial reports for the year yet.

Land Use Committee

Development and Infrastructure Update by Public Works Director Mark Cotter and Planning Director Mike Cooper.

City Council Meeting

Item #1, Consent Agenda, city funds warming shelter. We also throwing more money into the baseball stadium.

Item#2, Unresponsive Bidder

Item#25, A new wine bar? Hmmm. It will be located in Washington Square.

Items #31-32, New owners plan to reopen the Log Cabin Bar.

Item#33, Sanford Foundation House to get liquor license.

Item#53, 1st Reading of Sioux Steel property to DTPUD.

Item#57, Canvassing Results of city election.