Here we go again, McKenzie thinks he knows something about city government

Chad takes another ‘stab’ at muni-government, and fails again. First off Chad, they are called ‘councilors’ not ‘commissioners’. Commissioners work for the county. No need to feel bad about it though, on your Anti-Station, KELO AM, they call them commissioners to.

Chad is mad because Starr and Stehly don’t have their BIOS on the city website;

Closed-circuit to City Councilors Theresa Stehly and Pat Starr: why aren’t your biographies on the city website? I thought you were all about transparency? After all, you’re an official representative of the city – aren’t you?

Before I called both Pat and Theresa and ask them why, I assumed it is because the city just didn’t post them or problems with the website when it was upgraded.

Theresa was a little bit of both. Her BIO was originally posted, than after the upgrade it disappeared, so she was asked to re-submit. She told me she will get on it. But what is funny about that is that if you don’t know who Theresa ‘IS’ by now, I feel sorry for you if you have to go to the city website to figure it out.

Pat told me he has never submitted a BIO, but has been working on one. He basically told me, “It’s about self-promotion anyway? Right?” and that he will get around to it eventually.

Do the BIO’s matter? I think people elect these people based on the fact they DO know their backgrounds before they even vote for them.

Please Chad, go back to donuts and coffee talk.

After a $16K pay spike, Sioux Falls Finance Director, Turbak retires

I saw this coming a mile away. Spike the pay than retire, a little trick city directors have been pulling well before Huether took office. In 2017 Turbak got a $10,000 a year raise and in 2018 a $6,000 a year raise. His final pay scale will determine his retirement pension. It’s a nasty trick. So I found it ironic that this was mentioned in his retirement press release;

. . . . and for helping to reform the city’s pension system.

Yes, after he screwed hundreds of city employees out of a good pension, he takes his to the bank.

I hope every single Huether appointment quits or retires. It’s cheaper to pay them a pension than let them do more damage.

Mayor Huether Got ‘SH*T’ Done

I couldn’t agree more with that statement. During his last hour long ‘Ask the Mayor’ they did a tour of his office, on one of the shelves was this book next to a couple drink tumblers. They never commented on the book.

But one of the more astonishing moments was when Reed asked Mike if there was any disappointments during his term, or things he didn’t get done. He said he could only think of one, but said he tried to fix it, and that was Public Transit. Really?!

I wasn’t expecting him to throw himself under the bus, but you couldn’t think of ANYTHING ELSE?! Nothing!?

While I could comment on a host of things in his final propaganda show, the one thing that sticks out is he never really mentions that being an elected official is really about SERVING the PUBLIC. You will notice it was all about HIM and GETTING THINGS DONE. I’m glad he will go back to ‘Being Fun Again’ for his daughter.

40 days left folks. 40 days!

Todd Epp’s column about metal detectors is a disservice to the importance of public input

There is really only one person’s temper I worry about at council meetings, and it isn’t any of the commenters, it’s the guy in charge, the Mayor. He has lashed out against the public several times, he has given the stink eye, he has given the long dark stare, he has huffed and puffed, he has made underhanded comments, he has made smart ass comments as commenters are coming up and leaving the podium. He has even followed citizens to their cars or waited by their vehicles after the meetings. Mike and now a deceased citizen actually almost got into a fist fight in the parking lot a couple of years back after the mayor confronted him.

To say all this anger is a one sided thing is freaking ridiculous. Todd Epp feels the mayor and council should be protected from the public, but sometimes I wonder if it’s the public that should be worried;

After last night’s outburst, I got to thinking: What if someone walked into the Council chamber, had a gun, got mad or was mentally unbalanced, and started firing?

I know there is a sign that says no firearms or dangerous weapons allowed in the building.

Actually I believe that sign has been taken down because our all knowing and gun happy state legislature has made it perfectly legal to bring guns to public meetings. I will agree with Todd on one level, I wish ALL government buildings were gun free zones. But I’m also not going to live my life in fear because a few people are passionate about their 1st Amendment rights.

To tell you the truth as someone who defends a vibrant and controversial public input, I deplore guns. I have never owned one or intend to. I also hate violence. I believe all the important battles are won with words, and maybe that is why are Mayor gets so angry, because he loses that battle every single week.

I believe our security guards at the meetings do a fantastic job, I also believe they understand 1st amendment rights. Just because some one might let the ‘S’ word slip during input, or call the mayor a SOB or F’cker doesn’t mean they are going to shoot up the place. It’s the quiet ones in the corner you have to worry about, and I always take a clear inventory of who is in the chambers when I go there. As a person who survived a night club fire, I have trained myself to be well aware of my surroundings in public places. Always know the nearest exits.

But for Mr. Epp to make the assumption that people with a temper may be some crazed lunatic that is going to shoot up the place is unfair, and quite frankly insulting. I would expect more from someone in the media who is supposed to support open government and freedom of speech. I guess if we don’t have the media anymore to defend us on our speech rights, we have to fall back on ourselves because apparently we are a bunch of gun crazed lunatics. Really Todd? Really?

I guess Councilor Rick Kiley will be on KSOO in the morning with Beth and Chad to talk about public input.

Final Financial Reports before Election are available

Most of the candidates reports are up. A big thank you to city clerk Tom Greco for getting them up in a timely manner.

There isn’t really any glaring things in the reports. It seems most of the candidates got their very large donations in the last cycle.

Entenman’s report shows that financial support for him is waining while Jolene, Greg and Paul saw a bump. I think at this point donors are holding their checkbooks until they see who is in the runoff.

As of right now I have it as a 3 horse race with Greg in 1st and a close 2/3 between Jolene and Paul. While I felt Paul had the upperhand for 2nd place I think his campaign over the past 2 weeks has been stagnant while Jolene has really been pumping a ton of energy into hers. We will see if the 4’11.5″ little Titan can pull off a 2nd place.