Dem Forum; At-Large ‘B’ Candidate Forum, Erickson & Weiland

Notice later on in the debate how Erickson tries to blow off her involvement with the Downtown parking ramp. She mentions that Hultgren is no longer involved and Lamont properties is in charge.


When Erickson sat on the SECRET RFQ (Request for Qualifications) Committee, she picked Legacy, ran by Norm Drake and Aaron Hultgren. When she voted for the Parking Ramp, it was being developed by Legacy, Norm and Aaron (no mention of Lamont). When it was found out that Norm, Aaron and company were dragging illegal asbestos across our city and being criminally investigated, Erickson voted AGAINST the repeal.

Don’t let Christine fool you, she was all in from the beginning with Norm and Aaron, and she continues to support a private/public partnership with a company that is being sued in civil court and criminally investigated by the Feds.

There ain’t no splaining that will get you out of that.

Early Prediction in Mayoral Race

If the election was held this Tuesday, this is where I would have candidates end up;

Jamison – 28%

TenHaken – 26%

Loetscher – 20%

Entenman – 15%

Anderson – 10%

Gunn – 1%

I’m not saying how solid these numbers will be come April 10. I will say that Paul, Jolene and Jim could mix those numbers all around and we could see any of those 3 in runoff against Jamison. If anything, I think Greg’s percentage may increase. I just think he has such solid support, it will be hard to keep him out of the runoff. We could also see a rally by Anderson that could put him in 3rd or 4th place.

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda March 20, 2018

Woot! Woot! There is only ONE meeting this time around, the regular Council meeting, and it doesn’t have much.

Item#1, approval of contracts, apparently our own parks department can’t bother themselves to mow the grounds around our water plants, we contract it out.

Item#48, Inclusion Resolution, I guess the mayor had to get one more feel good thing in before he left. While I certainly think that there isn’t anything wrong with this resolution, it really doesn’t mean a hill of beans coming from an administration that has totally ignored our social issues in this community for an entire 8 years.

The next mayor and council need to move forward with putting some legislative teeth into inclusiveness, not just words on a piece of paper.