End the Rex Rolfing Nightmare on May 15

If you watch the City Council meeting last night you will see councilor Rolfing up to his normal head shaking, I am right attitude with his right hand man, Mike ‘Rude Boy’ Huether returning to run the meeting.

It didn’t take long for Mike to insult someone at public input, accusing a local attorney of not being ‘organized’. In fact, the attorney was doing what a good attorney does, speaking slow and methodically to present his case. But Mr. Ramrod wasn’t having it, luckily though councilor Stehly was able to extend his time.

So after 8 long years of MMM and his lap dog Rex Rolfing, imagine my surprise when I heard Rex was running in my district (13) for the House race. SAY IT AIN’T SO!

I have already threatened to register Republican so I can vote for Noem in the primary, but with this latest revelation, I could also use my switcheroo to vote against Rolfing.

Please, my Republican friends, let’s retire this disaster of a public servant on May 15th for good.

Let students walk out, it’s a great civic lesson

I see all these schools who want to have a hugs and kisses program in the school gymnasium tomorrow. Wrong approach.

When I went to HS in a large suburb of Seattle in the late 80’s we had several walkouts. The teachers and administrators didn’t stop us. They let us have our protest, and we returned to classes. In fact, almost once a month they would have an 8th period day. They would shorten all the other 7 periods so we could have around a 20 minute period in the morning to interact with other students and discuss student body issues in the commons area.

Letting kids protest by walking out is a great civic lesson in protesting our government. And they should be protesting school gun violence, it is a worthy cause.

So let them walk out, it’s a great lesson in civic engagement something I think is missing in our school curriculum these days.

Is Sioux Falls city government bailing on changing Downtown noise ordinance?

A great view, of a nightclub roof.

After several citizens showed up last week to ask the city to AT LEAST do a study of decibel levels downtown, it seems not much is happening, except more complaints.

Common sense would tell you if you have mixed use with commercial (a nightclub) next to residential, the one producing more decibels would get precedent, NOPE. The quieter use is used instead of a fair balance between the two uses.

As we all know, ambient noise downtown alone is probably between 58-60 decibels. Wouldn’t a study by the PD and Health Department using the ‘L’ scale be worth it? The scale takes a 10 minute reading of the lows and highs of decibels and gives a 90% average reading. Makes sense.

I think 10-20 locations should be picked downtown to do the reading, and each location should take readings every 2-4 hours, Monday-Sunday. Once those readings come in, we could figure out an average at those different times for downtown.

I think the city just ‘telling us’ what is acceptable is unacceptable until we really know what is reality. Maybe 55 is a good place to be, but until we know what the averages are, we don’t know where the starting point is.

I also think some building codes and zoning needs to be changed for residential units. Even if we didn’t have a nightclub next door to a residential unit – traffic, trains, airplanes, etc., are probably louder than what current code is.

Let’s face it, if we are going to continue to develop housing downtown and other development like hotels and commercial we are going to have to come to grips with the fact we have turned downtown into a bustling entertainment district. We MUST make changes NOW while we are still growing, otherwise we are going to have a code enforcement nightmare down the road as downtown gets more dense.