Sioux Falls Fire Department proposing coming one step closer to having a Public Ambulance service

As the SFFD points out in their presentation at the 4 PM informational meeting today, why not use the Paramedics we have to respond to emergency situations;

Sioux Falls Fire Rescue is exploring the potential to utilize paramedics, currently employed by Sioux Falls Fire Rescue, as Advanced Life Support (ALS) responders during specialty incident responses.

Also, if we are going to be paying for this important training that I agree with 100% why not go whole hog and put in public ambulances so that taxpayers get some kind of reimbursement from the service;

  • Budgetary Considerations
  • Staff Considerations
  • Certifications
  • Skills validations
  • Equipment and Supplies
  • Medical Guidelines will need to be adopted by Sioux Falls Fire
  • Rescue and REMSA
  • Collaboration with the Sioux Falls Firefighters Association

It seems blatantly obvious that we would be paying for all the training and equipment to provide a public ambulance;

This expanded response capability would allow Sioux Falls Fire Rescue to provide immediate initial advanced life support to victims of a specialty response incident.

And with the purchase of the ambulances and expanded parking facilities we would have a complete public ambulance service instead of the taxpayers currently subsidizing a private entity’s profits, an entity currently being investigated by the Federal Government.

I’ve heard rumblings from within the SFFD that many in management support a public ambulance service but the former SF Fire Chief fought it by convincing the Mayor that it wouldn’t be cost effective. Not only would it save taxpayers millions in public safety, it would be a more reliable service that the city and public could monitor more closely.

The only REAL drawback is that the city would probably have to hire a 3rd party private contractor to collect insurance and other fees for a commission.

UPDATE: Wouldn’t this be a nice place to build a public indoor pool?

Imagine this also, we would have room to expand, there would be plenty of parking, it would be next to other sporting facilities and a possible new public high school, and here’s the big kicker, we could get a private entity to help pay for building and operating the facility;

Sanford has plans to turn the adjacent rolling farmland it owns into a bustling sports, entertainment and commercial center.

What a grand idea that would be . . .

Oh wait, we foolishly built one someplace else with a cable company throwing us a few scraps from their monopoly business they run in town.

Much like the RR redevelopment, DT Parking Ramp and Administration ‘VETO’ building, our public indoor pool was poorly planned by an administration that was drunk with power, secrecy, entitlement, greed and impatience.

I give the Sanford Sports Complex about 5-7 years and their will be a massive indoor pool built on the grounds while Sioux Falls taxpayers continue to subsidize the Midco Aquatic Center even more.

UPDATE: A whopping 94 Annual passes have been sold this year for the Indoor Aquatic Center with a $17K operating loss for January.

Legacy hires a Public Relations Person

Stacy Jones, PR for Legacy

They are getting serious over at Legacy. Maybe they realized all this LLC moving around, buildings falling over and transporting Cancer causing agents through town needed a little turd polishing, so they went after the best;

Stacy Jones has joined Legacy Developments, overseeing public relations, marketing and community relations. Jones came from Sanford Health, where she spent 13 years, most recently as executive director of marketing for the development and research division overseeing Profile by Sanford, Sanford Health Plan, Sanford Research, Sanford World Clinic and Sanford Health Foundation. She previously spent 10 years at KELO-TV as a news and sports anchor, and reporter.

Twenty-Three years at Stormland-Sanford-TV should prepare Stacy for fixing the public perception of Legacy. I’m sure she is busy with her first assignment of assuring the public Legacy is the best choice for the RR Redevelopment project . . . wait . . . they haven’t announced that yet. My bad. Just as long as the Argus Leader is last to know.

Instead of a PR person, maybe they should have hired a Safety and Quality Control Specialist, just sayin’.