Sioux Falls Park Board Meeting, Tuesday


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

3:00 p.m. Regular Board Meeting

Downtown Library, 200 N. Main Ave., Meeting Room B


1. Roll call and determination of quorum

2. Approval of minutes from January 16, 2018 meeting

3. Public input

4. Report of standing committees

a. Marketing and Public Needs

b. Park System Planning and Development

c. Partnerships and Recreation

5. Unfinished business

6. New business

a. Gate Fee Applications:

Tournaments – Scott Juhnke

JazzFest – Jackie Nelson

b. Great Bear Management Agreement – Kelby Mieras, Dan Grider, Steve Sanford

c. CIP 2019-2023 Work Session – Tory Miedema, Mike Patten

7. Report of Director of Parks and Recreation

a. Community Center report – January

b. Aquatics report – January

c. Ice Rink Report – January

d. Golf Course – December/Year End

e. Administrative issues report

8. Items added after the agenda deadline

a. The Parks and Recreation Board may include other such business as may come before

this body.

9. Reading of communications to the Board

10. Open board discussion

11. Adjournment

Upcoming events: No scheduled press conferences or ribbon cuttings

*DaCola Note: I find it interesting that they will be discussing the CIP 2019-2023 before a new administration come in.

At What Point Freedom? HB1204 (2/14/2018)

Elder abuse and those who cause people in need to lose their rights must be stopped. HB 1204 has been introduced into the South Dakota House of Representatives in 2018 under the ominous sounding name Uniform Power of Attorney.

A proponent of the bill was asked if this was a consumer friendly bill and his answer was “it might reduce attorney’s fees.” What?

The Legislature got the 52 page bill introduced for passage with little time to read it much less understand it.

There are over 500 typographical errors as we read it. There are no definition of terms used.

There are words used with multiple definitions, which ones are we to use?

After you get past these errors we start looking at the questionable problems of usage. This legislation has put the protection of potential fraudsters ahead of the protection of a person needing help with a Power of Attorney.

If you want to know more about this mess, watch the video testimony and start to form your own opinions.

Everyone ages. In you time of need, we must be able to rely on people we trust to do the right thing and not worry an unscrupulous actor can interfere with your most precious and scary decisions of how we want to live in our old age and how we want to die. We need to protect the person before we can begin to protect the inheritance.

Help us defeat HB 1204. We must have updated Power of Attorney laws but they must first safeguard the person in need of help as a starting point. Please join us by writing to us at upoa@citizens4integrity.org with your stories of Power of Attorney and guardianship abuses. We need your help to stop this legislation in 2018.

Councilor Stehly; Leave the Initiative process alone

Theresa sent a fantastic letter to the editor to the Argus;

This is a letter to my dear Republican friends who are serving in the South Dakota legislature:

Please leave the initiated measure process alone. Having led two successful petition drives in Sioux Falls, I can tell you first hand that it is a huge undertaking for a grass roots campaign. It is working just fine the way it is. It is a valuable tool that the citizens can use to inject their voices into the process. It also serves as a “checks and balance” mechanism against bad legislation. To think that just because we are elected, that we make the best decisions at all times is arrogant, elitist and an abuse of power. This multifaceted effort to stifle citizen involvement and strengthen the agenda of the “power machine” in Pierre is an assault on the good people of this state.

The energy coming out of Pierre this year is very concerning to me and to many of the good citizens of South Dakota. Please leave the initiated petitioning process alone.

Re-Finance ‘Word Games’ with Huether and crew (Guest Post – Danielson)

The absurd actions of Mikey the other night are great theater.

The wonderful things about moving the SIRE videos over to YouTube is our ability to catch action and text normally missed. I wasn’t able to be at the meeting but sure heard a lot about it so I went to the YouTube machine at www.siouxfall.org and pulled a transcript. Here are some morsels starting at the moment:

(1:13:01 – Scott Ehrisman) “This, I guess we’re just going to go all the way to the end – may 15th no transparency all the way to the end keep the game consistent” (1:13:02)

(Mike starts a 24 second staring contest with the audience)

(It appears Councilor Erickson tries to break the silence with a quiet) “Mr. Chair” (Mike does not acknowledge her)

(1:13:26 – Mike then continues:) “Tracy, I, ah know you’re chopping at the bit and so am I, is there anybody else in the audience who wanted to speak to this particular item before I turn it over to the council” (1:13:33)

Councilors Erickson, Stehly and Kiley speak and then this;

(1:22:59 – while Kiley is speaking) “push the whole transaction back by far and”

(Mike injects) “Council Chair, if you don’t… my apologies sir, my apologies to you sir you, Tracy if you would just repeat that one more time I, I, councilors if you would have, just beg you to listen to councilor, to Tracy, thank you is keep it simple as much as you can thank you”

(Tracy restarts his explanation…)

Notice Mike tells Tracy to take it real slow and easy on the ignorant councilors by making sure the message is in simple terms?

A couple of thoughts about this exchange:

1. Why did the mayor inject anything at all while he still held the gavel? If he is such a stickler for Robert’s Rules he should have given it up so he could speak out of term.

2. Are our councilors so dumb the mayor has to tell his Director to speak slowly and in simpler words to make it more understandable. How insulting.

3. Why did no one call a POINT OF ORDER to stop him?

My count as of today show we only have 9 more meetings with him in charge then its to let the door hit yah where the good Lord split yah.