How did Sioux Falls Mayoral Candidate Entenman know how the city did financially in 2017?

In all fairness, Jim may have been guessing that 2017 ended better than expected. But I talked to a couple of other mayoral candidates today that were a little surprised that Jim brought up the fact the city ended the year just fine during the mayoral forum the other night. How does he know? The city council and the public haven’t seen those numbers yet. Did someone at city hall leak this important information to Jim?

Jim also talks about his candidacy on Jon Michaels’ Forum recently. I liked this tidbit from Todd’s blog;

And no, current Mayor Mike Huether is not going to be his chief of staff. Entenman said he plans to serve his full four or eight years if elected.

He said that Mike will NOT work for him in any capacity . . . at this point and doesn’t know what Mike’s plans are. He joked that he will probably be the LAST TO KNOW.


It was interesting that Jim brings up being on the Brandon city council for 15 years. That city is in bad shape when it comes to water infrastructure and other issues due to very poor planning.

Here’s is Todd’s interview


You can watch all of Todd’s candidate interviews HERE and all of Jon’s interviews HERE.


Does Mickelson have a conflict? (Guest Post – Frank Kloucek)

Is what Rep. Mark Mickelson doing with new swine CAFO construction unethical and a direct conflict of interest? Mark and his partner Paul Kostboth formed a company called A1 Development Solutions. Rep. Mickelson is directly benefiting from CAFO construction which Mickelson is orchestrating through weakening of zoning regulations from the state down to the local level.

Rep. Mickelson has already listed his partnership with Kostboth as a conflict in his legislative financial interest form filed with the Secretary of State. Should the next step for Mickelson be to decide which job he wants to do? To do both raises a lot of questions.

Is it clear that Rep. Mark Mickelson has a direct conflict of interest which would force him to resign as a legislator or withdraw as business partner in A1 Development Solutions? Is there middle ground on this issue? Maybe Rep. Mickelson could put his money in a solar power company instead, as long as he is not the prime sponsor of legislation to help that solar power company in South Dakota?

Veterans: Discounts and Sales Tax (H/T – Daily Spin)

Honorably discharged veterans now qualify for shopping online at military exchanges (retail & some services).  Active duty and National Guard already use this shopping.  The full service started November 11, 2017.  If you’re a vet, go to VetVerify.org.  There’s typically a 20 percent DISCOUNT with special arrangements for major purchases (appliances/furniture).  Prices are not posted until you’re logged in securely.  NO SALES TAX.

Given South Dakota government is principally supported by sales tax, there’s significant budget repercussion.  The state is 900K with 70K veterans.  Veteran dependents can use the service such that there is potential for more than 120K total customers.  Retail sales could decline 10% or more at first with awareness potential for 15% by 2020.  This is exempt interstate sales that are not reported to state or local government.  Some shopping sites let you fill in false information and make purchases.





Sales volume is focused on the two major cities in South Dakota.  Internet sales is why there are so many empty store fronts.  Sioux Falls has had and will continue having revenue short falls.  It’s more than just Amazon and other tax free online purchases.  There are signs the booming economy is over.  It will be harder to make bond payments on the half billion in debt.  This is not a time for play places, admin buildings, or parking garages.  It’s important to amend the charter so there’s no strong mayor veto power and no council overrides.  Take away the mayors’ credit card and put him on an allowance.  There will be tax increases.  Veterans can keep their quality of life with on line tax free sales.

Sioux Falls is NO PLACE FOR A VETERANS CEMETERY.  It has been proven in SD Supreme Court that the city is not democracy.  Circuit court cases decided that Strong Mayor Charter denies due process.  A cemetery must be on solemn federal ground.  The usual city scheme is to acquire undeveloped land then rezone for development.  The federal government does a magnificent job of maintaining cemeteries.  For the city it would be just another inferior golf contract.