Sioux Falls, South Dacola, Year in the Review (Part 4 – Final)
• Cameraman Bruce inducts Cleve Abbott into the SD Hall of fame.
• Council Chair Erickson cooks up legislative priorities all by herself then doesn’t have a working session before asking council to vote on it.
• A nasty rumor circulates that Sanford Health’s CEO, Krabbenhoff is fired, than re-hired, then fired and than re-hired. Turns out he was just playing golf.
• Paramedics Plus parent company has to pay out a $21 Million settlement.
• Kelo-TV’s Angela Kennecke’s daughter dies of drug overdose. Angela goes on a personal crusade to stop opioid addiction.
• Mayor TenHaken creates the Department of Innovation & Technology eliminating the Central Services IT department. He hires a person with only a HS diploma to run the joint.
• Local media knows in advance where/when president Trump will be visiting Sioux Falls but plays dumb.
• Sanford hosts massive Golf Tournament at Minnehaha Country Club. Crowds amazed when Sanford Ambulance Copters are used to dry golf course.
• SF City Councilor Neitzert claims people (media, blogs, some councilors) have had ‘moronic’ arguments against the parking ramp. I feel like such an ass. Not.
• After 14 years, the city’s audit committee finally admits Phillips to the Falls was a massive boondoggle.
• The city of Sioux Falls tries to get the courts to dismiss them from the myriad of Copper Lounge lawsuits, even though their building services department had received several complaints about the dangerous work being done in the remodel before the collapse.
• Woodgrain Brewery, still the best brewery in the Sioux Falls region.
• Sioux Falls breaks an all time record of over 39 inches of moisture in a year. Let’s build more indoor pools and flat retail parking lots!
• The Argus Leader eliminates the daily opinion page and has it only on Sundays. I guess they figured since everyone disagrees with their ED board’s weekly opinion, why do the reader’s opinions matter.
• TenHaken’s COS, Beck, tries to butter up the city council and public for the TIFilicious Revolution. I will fight it tooth and nail. I think TIFs will become the city’s biggest controversial debate of 2019.
• The Jesus Snowplows are BACK!
• With Air BNB’s popularity in Sioux Falls (and across the state) is it time to restructure how they pay taxes?
• Sioux Falls city council sets a nasty precedent by NOT allowing a fellow councilor (Brekke) to pull her OWN ordinance legislation after she learns of concerns from the City Attorney’s office.
• Someone steals a soda from the mayor’s office frig. They appropriately over react and now have an armed guard at City Hall (protecting the precious booty).
• We are told ‘user fees’ must pay for sewer plant upgrades. But ‘users’ haven’t paid a single penny towards the mortgage of the Events Center.
• Arc of Dreams is a million over budget and behind schedule, but will hopefully be put up this Spring before someone’s ego bursts.
• SFSD turns down Sanford’s land gift. I think it had something to do with Kelby’s golf game.
• John Thune – 2018. Still a loser.
• SMG fires the GM of the Denty. Something about not having a brown enough nose.
• Some SF City Councilors attend the National League of Cities. They bring back some great photos of exotic sports cars.
• Former SF Fire Chief ‘Sandy likes to Play’ gets a plea deal, after he tries to blame my blog being mean to him.
• KSFY shows they lack journalistic integrity after they edit councilor’s Stehly’s comments after pressure from the Mayor’s Office. Must have gotten the GM box seats to a Packer’s game.
• On a personal note I found out at Thanksgiving that T. Denny and his brother are now a part of my extended family. FREE tickets to Fleetwood Mac? Please and Thank You.