Don’t you love all this ‘officialness’ and ‘secrecy’ surrounding the new school names? Shocker? Right?

More than 2,000 people weighed in on names for a new Sioux Falls high school and middle school after a survey went out last month.

But the public won’t know what their name suggestions were.

Sioux Falls School District spokeswoman Carly Uthe told the Argus Leader on Wednesday that suggestions will be given to a naming committee assembled by Superintendent Brian Maher. That committee will meet privately to review the suggestions, choose a name for each school and bring those names before the school board for a final vote as early as Jan. 28.

“We aren’t releasing any specific names we’ve received,” Uthe said via email.

So Why the F’ck did you ask for them to begin with? What would be the harm in 1) Showing the TOP 20 suggestions to the public (that fit the criteria) and 2) having the naming committee’s meeting open to the public with public comment? How is a secret meeting, with secret people selected by the Super have anything to do with involving the public?

You might as well skip all this hoopla, slap Jefferson’s name on the new HS and get it over with.

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Just name the new High School ‘Jefferson’ and get it over with”
  1. They like to create drama along with the closed door secrecy. They’ll then have a press conference to reveal the name.

  2. If they put Janklow’s name on any of the schools, I will move to Larchwood, and this time I mean it.

  3. I can’t wait, until they exhume BJ’s casket and replant it in the new east river national cementary; because the local media will then talk about it for an entire week….

  4. Subliminal thought even placed the word ‘plant’ into the post. Auto correct works in strange ways, VSG…IB.

  5. Just put in a request for the list. The survey results should be public knowledge. It won’t be Jefferson, it will be Trump High.

  6. Don’t paint ‘Jesus’ on it!! Jefferson is the last face on Mt. Rushmore without a high school named after him. Otherwise, Pelosi?

  7. Whatever the mascot for Sioux Falls William J Janklow High School, it would wear a Members Only jacket and carry a portable bull horn speaker.

  8. Jefferson High School
    Russell Means Middle School

    My suggestions anyway since we won’t get to find out what any of the suggested names were. How does one get on the “naming committee” anyway. Didn’t see any notices going out to parents of students in the school district to volunteer for such a thing as there is for other committees.

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