Don’t you love all this ‘officialness’ and ‘secrecy’ surrounding the new school names? Shocker? Right?
More than 2,000 people weighed in on names for a new Sioux Falls high school and middle school after a survey went out last month.
But the public won’t know what their name suggestions were.
Sioux Falls School District spokeswoman Carly Uthe told the Argus Leader on Wednesday that suggestions will be given to a naming committee assembled by Superintendent Brian Maher. That committee will meet privately to review the suggestions, choose a name for each school and bring those names before the school board for a final vote as early as Jan. 28.
“We aren’t releasing any specific names we’ve received,” Uthe said via email.
So Why the F’ck did you ask for them to begin with? What would be the harm in 1) Showing the TOP 20 suggestions to the public (that fit the criteria)Â and 2) having the naming committee’s meeting open to the public with public comment? How is a secret meeting, with secret people selected by the Super have anything to do with involving the public?
You might as well skip all this hoopla, slap Jefferson’s name on the new HS and get it over with.