South DaCola

UPDATE: More on the 5G fiasco in Sioux Falls, follow the money

Pushback Against 5G

UPDATE: Here is a fantastic interview with an ACLU attorney in California fighting the legal issues with 5G. (FF: 17:00). The attorney brings up that there should be community wide meetings on how the technology is being used, it’s safety and how data will be collected. As the radio host says, in his town of Houston, NONE of that took place. In fact when he describes how 5G got rolled out in Houston it was Deja Vu in Sioux Falls. No public meetings. No hearings with the FCC and with the private telecomm.

This week I was contacted by an advocate in Florida who is trying to bring awareness to the dangers of 5G, to mostly children and the unborn. I also have been contacted by citizens and even city councilors that a lot of intimidation is being used by City Hall when people have contacted them about concerns. The Mayor, Deputy COS and city attorneys are trying to put out the fire. While their actions are questionable, we all know this is coming down from DC and John Thune’s pressure. While the health concerns are troubling, as an open government advocate, I am very alarmed how this was ramrodded through our local elected officials. We should be concerned about;

• Health

• Transparency in Government

• Overreach of the Federal Government

• Money in politics and influence

• Conflicts of Interest

• Manipulation of local government officials through veiled threats of lawsuits

• Partisan politics (GOP) in a non-partisan government.

There are many more reasons why we should be concerned about how this contract was approved.

The Florida advocate sent this email to assistant city attorney, Paul Bengford this week and CC’d me on it. I have not heard an answer back;

Mr. Bengford:

It was rough talking to you just now on the phone.  You have an unfriendly demeanor and I highly doubt that you are going to provide me with the information I need.  That being said, I hope you take your position in Sioux Falls as an attorney seriously enough to respond to the following questions:

1) When a public utility is asked by a private corporation for access to light poles, can the citizens of Sioux Falls legally ask for a delay until they approve the request?

2) What is the physical address of the company that entered into the 5G contract with the city?  (No, Verizon is not the local entity mentioned in the contract.)

3) Who at city hall negotiated the contract with the 5G wireless internet company?  What is their contact information?

4) Is the mayor personal friends with the owner of the 5G wireless internet company?

Thank you,

Let’s talk about Bengford’s demeanor, wait, we don’t have time.

He also sent me this information, that I found interesting;

This is how you win this easily:

1) The public utility overseeing the light poles has already declared that the city’s light poles are not strong enough to hold up the 5G equipment and that Verizon will have to replace them and put in cement.

2) If the people of Sioux Falls have the legal right to say how the public utilities are going to be used, then the contract was formed without adequate notification of the change.  I am assuming that the citizens of Sioux Falls are the legal owners of the light poles.

3) The city council might claim that it represents the citizens, but no public hearing happened regarding the safety of 5G and the reconstruction of city property.

As far as I can tell, the citizens must themselves be included in the contract.  If city council excludes the public from the contract (since the poles belong to the public), the contract cannot move forward and is already voided.

While I’m still on the fence about health affects (since I really haven’t done enough research), here are some interesting links and videos.

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