South DaCola

Reifel Middle school name ‘Probably’ suggested by ONE person

Besides only ONE person showing up to the School Board meeting to protest the new HS being named after Jefferson (because he was a slave owner) there was a presentation by Dr. Boysen on how the names were chosen.

She talked about the super secret naming committee which consisted of 14 members (only 4 were named, apparently the other ten must be a part of the witness protection program).

She proudly stated that two-thirds surveyed suggested Slavery HS but when it came to the suggestion of Ben Reifel she said ‘Someone’ suggested the name. So as I suspected, it was suggested by ONE person, and we have NO idea who it was. No surprise, typical of elitist school administrators who know better than us. So basically the middle school was named after the School District administrators with NO suggestions from the actual public.

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