South DaCola

So much for campaign promises?

It took about two-thirds into the first year of TenHaken’s term for him to officially, and quite blatantly break a campaign promise about transparency;

A group of Sioux Falls citizens hand-picked by Mayor Paul TenHaken to determine the future of the events center campus in northern Sioux Falls will meet in secret over the next six months.

Sure, there have been other moments of weakness, like that splendid contract he let Thune, the FCC and Verizon write without the interference of the public nosing around in it. But having a hand picked task force that meets behind closed doors, isn’t exactly a great idea. Of course his ‘Hitman’ T.J. TypeOver doesn’t think it is a big deal, and offers his B.S. excuse;

noting that its meetings won’t be open to the public, comparing the work the group does to that of a consultant, which, if hired, wouldn’t be required to compile its recommendations in a public setting.

Hey, TypeOver, consultants are professionals that are hired to give their expertise on a specific recommendation. They are not a hand picked volunteer group by the mayor. There are NO similarities in what they do and certainly in what they are paid. TypeOver has given some pretty bad excuses in the past to keep things secret, but this one takes the cake.

There is nothing wrong with allowing the public to sit in and listen to these meetings. Just like the naming committee with the SFSD, there was absolutely no reason not to have the public present. In fact it makes your process more believable and trustworthy. But Chicken Little still wants you to think that transparency equals the sky is falling;

“They’re not in a decision-making role,” Nelson said. “We want to make sure we have the most open and candid conversation possible.”

If they are making NO decisions, what are they having ‘candid’ conversations about? That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard a city official say. He should be canned on that statement alone.

Candid conversations happen in a PUBLIC SETTING, just watch public input at the city council each week.

I guess I don’t understand all this need for secrecy in city government. As we have found out in the past, the only reason city government has kept anything secret is because of corruption. So keep having secret meetings TJ and Paul. We know the REAL reason why these meetings are secret, and it’s not to help and protect the public’s best interest.

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