I guess I missed this newsflash that was announced on Monday;
The end of January, Huber retires from years of directing the city’s white warfare.
He’s seen many changes in snow fighting technology in his time – such as those snow gates everybody appreciates – and expects some exciting things after he’s retired.
Like I said with Mike Cooper, I don’t think Huber was ‘forced’ into retirement, it was just his time. Huber has done a good job, though I think he fought the implementation of snowgates at first, until, I think, to his credit, Huether jumped in and told him to make them work.
While snowgates DO work, they only work when properly used. And if I could find one fault with the job Huber has done, it is that he isn’t making snowplow operators (contracted and public employees) follow ORDINANCE mandated by the VOTERS by having them use them when the snow is manageable to do so. Hopefully the new street director can figure this out.
I would have to agree with councilor Stehly that a large number on the back of all snowgate plows with a number to call would alleviate the problem really fast. If the street department got 10 or more calls about plow #18 not using the gates properly, they would know who to talk to and put through retraining or discipline. This isn’t rocket science, it’s just snow removal folks. And as I have reminded citizens, it’s THE LAW written into the city charter.