While I believe they are conducting a national search, I wonder how that will really turnout?
With Cooper retiring in April, the city has started a nationwide search for his replacement.
“To maintain the growth we’ve had in the city and to keep that moving forward, this position is responsible for that, so for all intents and purposes, it’s one of our biggest positions,” Mayor Paul TenHaken said.
I have maintained for awhile that if you bring in a new planning director from out of state they will not have the historical knowledge of how planning and development is done in Sioux Falls. As we know, developers and the hospitals run the town, they pretty much admitted that during the Citizens Planning Academy when a citizen asked why Sanford and the other big developers get what they want. Those with the most money win!
I think the new position will be a Co-Director position that will manage the department, but I think the new director will have to answer to a higher power who has the historical knowledge. I think the department will ultimately be managed by COS Beck.
maybe pth will hire someone with no experience or degree, but can lead and inspire.
You watch. After all of the fuss, the new director will have the name, Thomas Jefferson.
A national search is laughable. Not many will respond without sarcasm. Cooper was a fake impression who will be replaced with another fake resume. Cooper believed his persona. A replacement will realize he’s a supposition until he starts to be believed and realizes his BS is working.
I just never liked Cooper. A million dollar couple of tree sprigs and a bench along polluted river frontage just never sold me.
I don’t understand why this city spends so much time looking outside to fill roles. On the radio during the business talks going on and on about 120mile searches to seek employees because supposedly it is harder to find talent in the area due to low unemployment. That isn’t the real truth. Sure, you can find an entry level min. wage jobs here but it isn’t all that easy to find career employment here. Especially for the mid-career worker in the non-banking and medical fields.
I hope they find someone without a college degree to fill that position…. You know, that seems to be the trend…. Come to think of it, Truman didn’t have a college degree either….