The Brookings County Democrats will be hosting a forum for all of the candidates for State Democratic Chair this Saturday, at 1pm, at the Brookings city library.

The Six  Candidates are: John Claussen (my choice), John Cunningham (my 2nd choice), Paula Hawks, Tom Cool, Allison Renville & Ann Tornberg.

Here is the video from today’s forum;

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “UPDATE: Democrats to hold 1st Forum of State Chair candidates”
  1. Six candidates? I am aware of 4 so far (Tornberg, Hawks, Cunningham, and Cool) with the possibility of Kennedy Claussen in the wings. Who is Number 6?

  2. It’s my understanding that it is Allison Renville from Roberts County. She ran against Susan Wismer for State Senate in the last June primary.

  3. There are so many candidates, that you would think that Ann was Trump….. (“I want to be Beto”… “No, I am going to be Beto”….”You can be, uh, Lincoln Chafee”..”Yah, that’s it, Chafee.”(“Is he running, too?”…”Again?”))

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