South DaCola

SD Dem Party finally(?) decides how state chair election will go

From the top down;

Candidates for Chair,

Earlier this week the SDDP Executive Board met to discuss election procedures for officer elections on March 23. The SDDP Constitution does not indicate how the election must be held so the EBoard discussed multiple options before settling on the system below.

Each candidate will have 1 minute for nomination and 3 minutes for a speech. The vote will be cast with paper ballots with the top 2 voter-getters moving on to the final round of voting. If one candidate receives 50% in the first round we will not move to the 2nd round. We will break for a 10 minute caucuses period to whip votes before returning to a final vote.

The Eboard wanted me to run this system by you before it is sent out to the State Central Committee. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to contact me.

Sam Parkinson

Executive Director 

South Dakota Democratic Party

There is still some debate between candidates about how long they will be able to make their case for the seat. Some of the candidates think 10 minutes would be better. We will see.

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