Informational Meeting, 4 PM

Updates on Midco Aquatic Center and Falls Park Safety Report. These should be interesting presentations, NO docs provided at this time.

Land Use Committee Meeting, 4:30 PM (after informational)

Amendments to Shape Places. I was also unaware that there would be changes.

Regular Council Meeting, 7 PM

Item #15, Notice of hearings, Transferring wine license to Stensland from former Overlook Café management. This is strange considering I don’t remember the city council approving the new management contract with Stensland yet. Maybe I missed it. Of course this is just a hearing, but since they were the only one to bid on the new management, maybe they just assume they have it in the bag?

Item #23, I guess Fleet Farm is going to have a beer and wine department. Weird.

Item #30, 2nd Reading, changing council races back to plurality. I hate to say it, but I think this is going to fail. I think after Stehly, Starr and Brekke voted against the street vacation, the other 5 councilors are going to go into vengeance mode and vote against it. As I told one of the three councilors this week after the street vacation vote, “It’s seems the majority of the council only wants to support the illogical.”

Item #33, 1st Reading, Rezoning by Avera for the nun apartments. While I am pleased that they will try to move the houses if the rezone happens (it will) Once again we are seeing affordable homes in our core being pushed out.

Item #36, Resolution to extend employment of police officer so they can cash in on 15 year tenure benefits. Not sure if that is the case, but my assumption.

Items #37-39, Hearings and Resolutions, I guess in one quick, clean sweep, Raven is asking the city council to demolish an historic building. The testimony on this should be interesting. I guess I found it surprising that the old Goodwill building was considered ‘historic’.

One Thought on “Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Feb 19, 2019

  1. D@ily Spin on February 16, 2019 at 10:18 am said:

    Farmers can buy liquor while shopping at Fleet Farm! FWI (Farming While Intoxicated) is not illegal. Curvy rows of corn are surreal. You can’t grow hemp and must farm alcohol for ethanol. So drink up.

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