South DaCola

Were growing in Sioux Falls, but what are the demographics?

I appreciate the update on population numbers (Is Bucktooth & Bowlcut still in charge?);

This 4,000-person increase over the past 12 months means the City is growing at a rate of 2.2 percent. In 2017, the City grew by 4,700 persons, or a 2.6 percent growth rate. Since January 1, 2000, Sioux Falls has seen a 63,000-person increase in our population. The most recent U.S. Census Bureau estimate from July 2017 showed a 2,500-person increase, or a 1.45 percent increase. By 2025, the population of Sioux Falls is projected to be 202,000.

How about a breakdown of those numbers? How many are newborns to existing Sioux Falls residents? I bet about HALF. How many are retirees? People from other SD small towns or cities? How many from out of state? From another country? While I appreciate the update, you really need to break these numbers down for us, and how many of these new residents are actually employable and working (over 16)?

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