By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Daylight savings time. Why?”
  1. couldn’t find anything else to bit@# about today? go by any of the city’s youth ball diamonds in the summer- games are still going on at 9 pm- not possible without daylight savings; or how about golf courses, non-lighted tennis courts or the parks in general ; families are able to enjoy all of these activities and not have to start them at 5 in the evening when a number of people are just getting off work

  2. “Farm People:” I love it!

    I believe that was also the title of an unfinished novel by George Orwell, where the “Farm People” rise up against corporate farms, a hempless Governor, pipeline crazy multi-national oil companies, and an orange president, whose trade policies force the “Farm People” to get jobs at their neighboring Walmart to supplement their incomes.

  3. MJ, so we should inconvenience millions of working Americans for youth sports? LOL. And BTW, last I checked, most of these facilities are lighted. It’s this crazy thing called ‘electricity’.

  4. The dramatic rise of full time couch potatos explains the increase of DST whining. If you live and work under the sun, you love DST.

    I vote to keep us on DST year round.

  5. wis most of the youth sports facilities are not lit; they play softball and baseball atKuehn, Dunham, Elmwood, Burnside, Terrace Park, Paisley, Frank Olson- none of which have the crazy thing you talk about; I think there are two soccer fields that have lights, very few of the tennis courts, and none of the golf courses; the millions of American workers being “inconvenienced” are the ones whose kids are playing the youth sports; and what exactly is the ; “inconvenience” of having a little more family time in the free parks on nice summer nights; if you don’t have the facts you should maybe quit laughing and look for them

  6. My argument is just leaving it one way or the other. I’m fine with just leaving it Daylight savings time, all the time.

  7. That argument may have merit- the one problem I see is the number of kids waiting for buses (to school in the mornings) in the dark; you can’t, however, bring yourself to admit you were wrong about all of those well-lit athletic fields for youth sports; laughing at you

  8. MJ, since I don’t have children and could give two sh*ts about ANY sporting event I really don’t care about the lighting situation. I used to have to stand in a snowbank in the dark while waiting for the bus. Builds character, more than playing Pickleball in the dark.

  9. but you won’t admit you were wrong- always got to bring it back to you; a number of people do care about youth sports; but we are supposed to care about your precious activities, such as pride festivals in the park- and why would you be foolish enough to stand in the snow bank?

  10. i’m pretty sure the previous mayor ordered lights at all
    tennis courts to be turned on 24 hours a day year round.

  11. I actually just saw over 30 states are moving to dst year round I think it is a great idea

  12. I didn’t say that the pride festival needed lights. I was just pointing out your hypocrisy- if you don’t care about something you can even lie about the facility (lighted fields) they have to conduct it. However, when not every one gives ten sh*ts about something you care about they are criticized as not caring. And you didn’t explain why you were so dumb as to stand in a snow bank.

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