UPDATE: See, that wasn’t so hard to invite the public. Hopefully I will have video later today. I guess they discussed financials and the fact that Former Mayor Bowlcut and Bucktooth started the Arena Augie Contract ($25K a year-that just ended) so the discussion about building an indoor REC center there (Greg Jamison) would go away. I guess one city official also admitted (in a round about way) that Bowlcut cut corners while building the Denty to get it done faster AND cheaper. Shocker!


5 Thoughts on “UPDATE: First ‘OPEN’ Events Center Campus Book Club meets Wednesday

  1. possibly with garlic bagels and jalapeno cream cheese with the lox?

  2. Hey Ehrisman..People may oppose you (and you and I certainly have differing social/spiritual/political beliefs), but NO ONE is working to inform citizens like you are. Not the Media, not the City Government and not the City Council. Bless you for your efforts.

  3. My Mistake Mike on March 27, 2019 at 1:55 pm said:

    I see the woman who runs the Siouxland Republican Women page on Facebook has a seat at the table. Hope she can still find the time to keep posting the “Trump is God”, “Obama is Satan”, and “Lock Her Up” memes.

  4. scott on March 27, 2019 at 8:33 pm said:

    trump loves the denty.

  5. Warren Phear on March 28, 2019 at 11:50 am said:

    Who are all the people in the study group? I agree with what Theresa says above. My go to source for any and all things local. Theresa….I have a gut feeling we are not on the same wavelengths either. But, I would vote for you in a heartbeat. You are the straw, along with Pat and Janet, that stir the city drink.

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