From a SouthDaCola foot soldier;

I 229/26th Street/ Southeastern Drive Reconstruction Project


In order to begin this massive road and bridge project, Rotary-Norlin Park needed to be relocated from the east side of the river to the west side.

The majority of this work took place in 2018.

In conjunction with the Rotary Park Project the City needed to do underground work on the utilities (storm sewer, sewer, and water).  The residents who live in the Riverdale subdivision (which is just across I 229 from Rotary Park)  saw that utility work was being done last summer/fall in Riverdale Park.  This is where the new utility lines were being connected to the existing lines.

At approximately the same time the work was being done in Riverdale Park, residents in Riverdale subdivision began to experience both low water pressure and sewer backups in their homes.  In some homes, sewer backups have happened multiple times since last summer/fall.

Today, we finally may have an answer as to why this is happening.

The City probably should have invested in a lift station when the work was done last year.


After reviewing the documents related to the I 229/26th Street/Southeastern Drive Project on, it appears the elevation needed to construct the overpass for the BNSF railroad will also be a factor in this major blunder of not building a lift station.

Phase I of this Project is set to begin in a few days. Should the project be allowed to go forward before resolving the issue of the lift station? Good question.

5 Thoughts on “Major Fail – City of Sioux Falls Engineering and Public Works

  1. scott on March 11, 2019 at 9:26 pm said:

    have you seen how bad the sidewalks in front of the indoor pool have sank?

  2. Avera Mckennan has been having sewer backups as well…

  3. The poorly conceived and built Romantix Annex may be overwhelming the sanitary sewer system due to the possible dumping of a massive volume of water used to heat the building. The city does not want anyone looking into this problem.

  4. Blasphemo on March 12, 2019 at 11:05 pm said:

    Fresh water is being used to both cool AND heat the new building???

  5. The Guy from Guernsey on March 13, 2019 at 8:31 am said:

    During the year following completion of this major street reconstruction project, the City will return to tear up portions of the new reconstruction in order to do more utility work.

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