South DaCola

My Apologies

I have been thinking about this ever since the flood concerns reared their head this past couple of weeks. I want to apologize to city councilors who had the foresight to fund the Levees by borrowing the money in hopes to get repayment from the Feds. I especially want to apologize to Jamison and Litz who I was the hardest on. Not only are the levees proving to be a good idea, the Feds have repaid us for the bonds we took out (even though Bowlcut & Bucktooth decided to squander the money for an indoor pool, we now have to pay the bonds back from 2nd penny).

One of my complaints at the time was this was really about saving all the businesses in the FEMA flooplain in the mall area from paying flood insurance. Now that I look back on it, I can’t imagine what kind of mess we would have now if they didn’t build the levees.

So once again, sorry.

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