The Sand Bag Cam – Because everyone hates lines!

While I get why they put these cameras in, I find it completely ironic that we were told by the past mayor and it seems the current mayor that it would be ‘to difficult to film citizen board meetings’ because of the varying schedules and some are even closed.


It’s funny how the city or any government entity for that matter always has a convenient excuse for keeping things closed when they are trying to hide something, but are quick to show off technology when it will make great propaganda footage later.

If we can film a sandbag pile (WITH TWO CAMS) we can easily record ALL citizen board meetings and link them online in YOUTUBE (Which hosts them for FREE). I would even go further and have a live cam in the mayor’s office.

As the city has been showing us over the past week, they have the capability to keep the citizens informed, they also have the capability of keeping things open, if only they had the desire.

I also see PTH had time to go out Tuesday Night and take some selfies with the crew. Man, they look exhausted. Sometimes I wonder if he is breathing in a little too many fumes from the hot mix. #photoopfailure

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Sand Bag Cam, now that’s Open Government! (Snark)”
  1. Those two city workers look thrilled to be included in his selfie.

    I would have handed him a shovel!

  2. “Just ran into a pothole crew tonight. Had to jump out & get dirty with ’em!” Riiiiight, PTH. I see the soot all over your sport jacket. Get real. You were on your way home from the city council meeting at 10:05pm like everyone else who was at Carnegie Hall. Way to interrupt the pothole repair crew’s work for shameless self promotion. Lame, mister.

  3. I don’t think the issue in filming all meetings is that it is a technical limitation, but more of a cost vs return issue. Yes, it is free to post on YouTube, however I don’t think the equipment will operate itself. The hours it takes to train, operate, and use the equipment and hours of preparation has a cost associated with it. I would be wondering how many hours you or Bruce have supporting this site or recording meetings – now double that when done with professional equipment. I am pretty sure if you offered the city $100k a year to pay for a salary of a person just to handle broadcasting meetings, they would be likely to join in. (Guessing this will be deleted shortly as it brings another point of view to the page.)

  4. Security cameras are so cheap now. Of course, film all public meetings. Also, all places for public assembly. What baffles me is SFPD doesn’t have body cameras. It’s strong evidence in court and we can see what they order at McDonalds.
    TenHaken is kinda into photo ops lately. He’ll never compare to Huether. A little self promotion is acceptable.

  5. I loathe self promotion , especially from politicians. It’s often so disingenuous and the core of self promotion usually is. I do not see this guy modeling Christian values when he does this and he APPEARS to be one of those “Show Christians”. If he was truly a servant leader we would not see this stuff come from him. I am not trying to bag on him too much and hope I am wrong because I truly do not know what is in his heart but, it appears he may be getting to full of himself.

  6. Dillan, you make some good points. I estimated once that it probably cost the city well over a million to follow Huether around for 8 years. Wherever he was speaking, there was a camera. The city has the resources. On top of that, for example, the SFSD live streams all of their meetings via YouTube. Could the volume levels be better, definately. But you have to also take into account that I know at least one conference room in the City Center is setup for this kind of recording and so is Carnegie. You wouldn’t have to drag equipment around, it is simply a scheduling issue.

  7. Taking selfies with folks you make 1/8 your salary and work 10 times harder. A true millennial douche nob.

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