(FF 6:30)
From Drinking Liberally;
In Politics: In an effort to demonstrate his absolute supplication to Donald Trump and Trump’s demands of total fealty to whatever his whim of the moment might be, our own Senator Rounds defended Trump’s $130,000 hush money payment to Adult Film actress Stormy Daniels by stating that Trump “made the payment because he loved his family….” Rounds really said that. I didn’t make that up.
So to follow Rounds’ logic, Trump may have sent his wife Melania a valentine card this year that read something like this, ” Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m having sex with a porn star again to show my love for you.”
Last week I speculated that our Senator’s, Thune and Rounds, could rationalize just about anything to support Trump’s right-wing and often fascist agenda. Unfortunately for all of us and for our Country, even I didn’t know how right I was.
Our Republican leadership is feckless. If you are a Republican and love our country, it is time to look elsewhere for leadership. But then again, according to Senator Rounds, you could demonstrate your love of country by having sex with a porn star.
Republicans forget that sex is for Democrats. Trump makes Clinton and Kennedy sound like cold case files.
trump is a cancer to this country, this state, and this town. The polarization he has brought is reflected everywhere. If you voted for him and his kind once, shame on the media that made that possible. If you vote for him and his kind a second time? Shame on you.
I suspect this thread will die slowly Scott. A million cups of coffee will never take away the stain that is trump.
As a South Dakotan let me just say we are disgusted with Rounds, Thune, and Noem, all subserviant to the insane potus and their supreme GOP tea party. None of them represent the people of South Dakota. They are greedy Mussolini, Hitler, Yamamoto lovers.
An other Rounds’ moment, which must make Kirby and Barnett cringe.