South DaCola

Local Media websites incredibly frustrating and dysfunctional

I can’t hold it in anymore, the two news sites (that have obviously borrowed their website format from the super media sh*t piles that own them) are horrible. Beyond horrible.

As a person who hasn’t had a functioning TV in almost ten years, I depend on my large monitor and the internet to get everything I need. I actually think by only depending on the internet, I’m more informed. You can really weed thru the BS faster while surfing the net.

So now it comes to our local media. Ironically the best local media website, KDLT doesn’t have as many followers, but somehow have figured out simplicity works, they need to pass that knowledge on.

First with our only local daily. It shocks me that a media company that wants to get rid of their dead tree version and promote digital subscriptions has a website that has so many ads and videos going on that if you dare take a deep breath while viewing it you are back to the home page in a second. So which is it? Do you want to charge for your content or have paid advertisers pay for that content? You seem to want to have both which is a gigantic polished turd. I don’t know how many times I have to refresh, go back to where I thought I was in the story only to be interrupted with an ad, a video about cats, or some other distraction. Please, fire your web developers, they are failing you hugely. I just want to read your stories in peace without Morgan Freeman telling me I need a credit card.

Let’s move on to Stormland-TV. Why is every single video interrupted with an ad at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of your ‘tell me nothing’ 30 second news story? And why is every news story on mute, so I have to start over to hear only to be interrupted by another ad about corn farmers? And what’s up with the volume levels that fluctuate between an AC/DC concert and a kitten purring?

Trust me, it isn’t my ‘device’ these things happen on my phone, laptop, tablet, MAC and PC, at least they are consistent in their dysfunction.

Some would say, ‘Just give up’ but I like to stay apprised with what is going on in the community, I literally am forced to go thru these hoops just to get a tidbit of news and trust me #2 TV station is not much better.

While this blog may not have all the bells and whistles these circus clowns have incorporated, at least you can come here and read the stories without having to build a barrier around your mouse in case you accidentally hit the volume control or click on a floating ad.

The MSM might wonder why they are losing readers, please, take a look in the mirror.

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