Planning Commission Meeting, 6 PM, Wednesday May 1, 2019
On Thursday, May 2, city employees and city councilors will have an opportunity to see a presentation on the Sioux Steel Development, then they will be wined and dined, but there’s nothing ‘unethical’ about that.
On Wednesday, May 8, The Mayor TenHaken will give his Big Hairy Audacious State of the city address. He interestingly picked to do the address at SE Tech. I assume he did this to talk about the NEW Sioux Falls Community College.
On Thursday, May 9, The SF Housing Summit will be held at the DT Holiday Inn (instead of a city owned building). At this point there is still a registration fee for the event, and I noticed that the public input portion was left off the calendar (It is supposed to be after 3 PM).
On that same day Levitt will give us their concert series lineup. Not sure why this is ‘Invite only’. How is the public going to find out who it is if they are not invited? LOL.
I’m actually very excited about the concert series and plan to attend every concert. And I will probably purchase food and drink while I am at the shows. But I’m still going to fight to change it to BYOB. If this doesn’t happen this year, I will work the council to change this eventually. If we truly want to give taxpayers a FREE concert series (after they have helped fund this program in capital and maintenance) we should have the opportunity to bring our own alcoholic beverages like HALF of the other Levitts across the country allow.