8 Thoughts on “Councilor Kiley blames God for Potholes instead crappy road contractors

  1. If and when Councilor Kiley would take the blinders off and put aside his arrogance, he may evolve into an effective Councilor.

  2. "Very Stable Genius" on April 4, 2019 at 12:21 pm said:

    You know what Palin once said: “It’s just God hugging us a little closer.”

    Or, was that the SNL Palin, but what’s really the difference?

  3. scott on April 4, 2019 at 2:38 pm said:

    he can join noem’s prayer day and pray the potholes fill themselves.

  4. How are road contractors to blame for potholes? God and contractors don’t make potholes. Thaw freeze cycles make potholes.

  5. Crappy construction methods by lowest bid contractors, short cutting on methods to earn rewards for beating deadlines. God didn’t do it but construction shortcuts might have.

    Why is it certain streets have the busting out joints when others built at same time are fine? There is an explaination. I believe there should be an independent investigation of our town’s contracting processes.

  6. Blasphemo on April 5, 2019 at 4:08 pm said:

    One can’t help but wonder: if more preventative road repair/maintenance work was done in the fall, wouldn’t it lessen the pothole problems in spring? Furthermore, Cotter himself declared a contributing factor to this spring’s massive pothole issue was “a very wet 2018 going into the winter of 2019.” So…if this correlation is already understood by civil engineers, would it not be prudent to ramp up road maintenance under such conditions (wetter than average temperate season) in advance of winter? Cotter’s statement right there ought to figure into substantiating negligence on the part of the COSF for pothole damage claimants.

  7. Pancy Nelosi on April 5, 2019 at 7:02 pm said:

    Are you all civil engineers on this website or are you talking out of your a##? The fact is this part of the country has continuous freeze-thaw cycles and there is no cost-effective road material that can prevent the potholes we get.

  8. Warren Phear on April 6, 2019 at 10:52 pm said:

    I suspect deicing agents take their toll on city streets. We had a lot of ice storms this past season. Anyone know what the city uses as a deicing agent?

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