One may question how the State Theater ranks 3 out of 6 votes when public safety only gets one vote from the city council (DOC: Work Session Votes Cast Results.pdf)

It would seem to me that Council Leadership is probably ‘whipping the votes’ behind the scenes for the State Theater and the administration, and like the massive proposed TIFs for downtown development, there seems to be some backdoor wrangling going on to make the appearance that these things are important to the public.

I did my usual polling this past weekend of downtowners about funding the Theater with tax dollars. While there was huge praise for the State and it’s redevelopment, most if not all, said it shouldn’t be funded with tax dollars. The most common response was that they have had plenty of time to raise the money.

I was also told that the Henkin family pulled their donation due to the delay in finishing the project (I haven’t had anyone verify that yet).

I think if the administration and certain councilors try to push forward with any significant funding to the project (the number being thrown around is $1.5 million) there will be some backlash from residents) especially with all the issues we have been having with flooding homes and potholes.

I guess we will see how this drama plays out.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “Even after Sioux Falls City Council breaks down budget priorities vote, State Theater still ranks 3rd”
  1. This was the first attempt by the Council to have proactive input into the budget. We had a brainstorming session to share concerns we have heard form the public.(I have been hearing from many residents on facebook.) I’m grateful that 6 Councilors wanted streets as a priority. We do listen.

  2. Voters are watching.

    Greg Neitzert Northwest District

    Marshall Selberg Southwest District

    Pat Starr Northeast District

    Theresa Stehly At-Large

  3. State Theater will be yet another money pit. See Pavilion, Orpheum, Denty, MAC, and so on, and so on. Please don’t start subsidizing this every year for an annual movie and charity auction event on the taxpayers backs

  4. By the way, there’s a pothole right now on 18th that is bigger than the State Theater.

    Maybe we can hold a potluck for potholes and charge a nominal fee with sales tax receipts from that event going directly to the State Theater. We could call it, “A Pothole Potluck to comfort the State of mind.”

  5. I have lived in my neighborhood for 30 years. The streets are in the worst condition they have been in since I moved here in 1988.

    This is what taxpayers care about, not about giving 1.5m to a theater few will ever step inside.

  6. $1.5m for the State Theater. A drop in the bucket for the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation to cough up. Combine $$ from various potential qualifying SFACF funds, including Community Fund Grants, Special Project Funds, Field of Interest Funds, Donor Advised Endowments, Donor Advised Charitable Funds and Organizational Endowments. No funds necessary for the State Theater from municipal taxpayer revenues.

  7. Donor advised- the people that donated the money get to direct where the money is used; not some know it all responding on a blog

  8. Uh, Matt. You ASK the donor of the donor advised funds if they’d like to contribute to the State Theater. Notice I said “COMBINE $$ from various POTENTIAL qualifying SFACF funds.” Words are hard. I know, Matt. I know. MAGA. There. Recognize that one?

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