The candidates have been announced for Sioux Falls School Board;

Sarah K. Anderson

Lora Hubbel

Nan Baker

Carly Reiter

Carly is the only incumbent running so we will get at least one NEW school board member. The establishment favorite of course will be Nan Baker, a very well connected person. Her family runs 1st National Bank. Nan also co-chaired the new school bond issue task force. It will be interesting to see if she tops Mickelson’s campaign spending of over $16K. This will be an interesting race to watch in terms of money spent.

We of course know who Hubbel and Reiter are, but I know very little about Anderson. I just wish more grass roots candidates would run and win these seats. Unfortunately, Mickelson set a precedent in the last election by spending mountains of money and posting her signs from here to Anchorage.

By l3wis

13 thoughts on “Only One Incumbent running for two seats on School Board”
  1. Nan Baker is married to a member of the Baker family. Her husband is one of three children of a third generation banker- he is an employee of the bank but has never run the bank. In fact the current president of the bank is the first non member of either the Baker or Kuehn families to run the bank in almost a century. Don’t know what you have against Nan Baker (perhaps some thing from her arts council days) but at least get the story straight.

  2. MJ, I feel like such a dumb ass, who knew that some women take their husband’s last name when they get married?! I totally overlooked that . . .

    Nice try splitting hairs.

  3. What that fraternity (Alberty, Mickelson, Parker, Reiter and Thoelke) needs is a Lora Hubbel to shake it up!

    There also needs to be term limits instituted for the School Board. Several of these board members have been around far too long.

  4. I don’t know what you mean by splitting hairs- her husband has never run the bank; her husband’s cousin has done so as well as other members of her husband’s family- this is not HER family; her family- husband, children, parents and siblings do not and have not run the bank; far from splitting hairs, these are facts- not insinuations like you make

  5. I want to learn more about Anderson.

    Lora Hubbel is a loose cannon. This feels like just another campaign for her. Get the popcorn ready!

    I’ve crossed paths with Nan Baker on a number of committees and non-profits over the years. There is no question that she is well connected, but in my experience she has used those connections to help others. She seems like a good person with a servant’s heart.

    I was surprised to see that Carly Reiter has already served 2 terms. It’s been a pretty quiet 6 years.

  6. The positioning of the “Super Precincts” will be fun to watch once again. Their positioning is a modern day version of poll taxes of geographical proportions.

    Someone should do a study to see if there is a correlation between overcrowding and underpositioning of voting centers as well.

  7. Just like the ‘Communist Level’ results from the $300 million dollar bond election this election will be a total sham. Reiter and Baker should practice their acceptance speeches.

  8. What, Hubbel for School Board? Are you guys all thinking what I am thinking?……Hahahahahahahaha….(Laughter, as I rub my hands together in gleeful mischief…. 😉 )

  9. DS, if not permanent, they seem to become a Pope emeritus like Benedict, do they not?

  10. gosh…..people love rumors. Just because Pat Powers likes to trash me at every turn (and then blocks me from defending myself) doesn’t mean I am the person that Pat lies about. I want open government…I want kids to have the 3Rs, Arts, Music, Fine Arts, Shop Class, Home Ec, Sports and recess BEFORE we make monuments of brick and Mortar…BEFORE we keep the administration 24th in the nation for pay when our teachers are 49th!!! AND did you know that when the state gives the schools money…it goes to the ADMINISTRATION!!! who take off the top and give the dregs to the kids and teachers? They have a nice gig going on…keep the teachers poor so they will protest low wages not knowing the administration gets any increase…all the while the admins gather in their wine and cheese groups and watch the teachers protest.

  11. Some people, like 13wis should learn the difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism.
    It’s insulting to people. It’s like calling TEA party Fascists.

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