South DaCola

Proposed Triage Center by city a clever trick to build a new IT department

2019-04-23 Sioux Falls CC Informational Meeting - 2613

While everyone has been pissing their pants over an over hyped internal auditor candidate, we overlooked the city’s move to gift one of their buildings for a Triage Center.

Let’s make it clear, it is a good piece of property and is well suited for the the center, but one wonders if this is just an attempt by the city to move the IT department to some new digs at the City Center?

Why wasn’t it just put there when the building was being built? Could have saved us a lot of money to just wire it at that time?

Also, what is going on with the liability litigation with the botched HVAC system. Crickets.

Make no mistake, while this Trojan Horse gift is a good thing, we all know the real reason behind it, to spend taxpayer money on more Empire building at the City Center.

Don’t believe me, just watch the informational meeting above. While they all talk about the money they want to spend from the surplus on the IT department move, they say little about what they are going to do with the triage building.

These folks are amateurs.

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