I know, I want to put this to rest as much as the rest of you. The RS5 made another horrible decision, and it will be fun to bring it up when a couple of them run for re-election. But I could care less about that now, because we must address BAD decisions in the here and now.

A couple of days ago I got a tip that some of the audit committee members (non-councilors) were not happy about the selection process, but were told to stifle it.

Today I was told from a city councilor a potential candidate told them they weren’t even considered or interviewed for the position. They applied late last year.

According to this candidate, they were never even considered by the audit committee. I first want to say that I have never met them, also, from reading the resume I saw, they are young and have a short work history, so I can’t tell you if they are qualified or not. But from reading the education and work experience (they are a certified auditor), I would have at least interviewed them. Am I missing something here? It would be one thing to interview them and then determine they are not qualified for the job, but to just look at this resume and go, “Nah, we already have someone picked out.”

And that seemed to be the case.

I wish this person good luck in their employment endeavors and that they should probably be thanking themselves they didn’t get the job. I’m just sayin’.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Did the City of Sioux Falls Audit Committee really explore all candidates?”
  1. We deserve a brown nose unqualified cook the books auditor. Everything about the city is corrupt. The only way to feel better about it is let them lie to us with Monopoly money accounting.

  2. The arrogance of these committee chair clowns who think they’re the smartest guys in the room, and no one will notice their antics. No wonder they react with so much indignation & defensiveness when busted – the truth really hurts. Strikes right at the core of their inflated egos.

  3. Blasphemo is right. No wonder they think, that they don’t have to wear ties and can go unshaven.

  4. Transparency yeah right with this mayor.Where are all the highbpaying jobs for SFSD.

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