This Nebraska court ruling has major implications for Sioux Falls (Guest Post, Bruce Danielson)
Sioux Falls has a problem with several legal cases both filed and not yet filed.
A 1985 case centered in Beatrice, NE (south of Lincoln) involves fabrication of evidence, conspiracy, reckless investigation and more, could haunt us. Think about situations based on bad policies we experienced and are experiencing caused by our own authoritarians. This Nebraska case illustrates why we need a top to bottom cleaning the management of our local government offices including but not limited to police, state’s attorney and city attorney operations. We must bring in fresh blood into our offices from places used to cleaning up these types of questionable activities.
There are several local court cases dealing with trumped-up charges. These cases could potentially cause us all a great deal of hurt.
Many in Sioux Falls are proud of the City Council members who fight for open government and unbiased audit requirements. We have experienced years of top city officials with little experience encouraging unstoppable growth. These “leaders†who claim to be dealing with the complex issues of exuberant growth only extoll continuing benefits for them while ignoring the daily costs for the rest of us.
We may likely see a tall crane being removed from our downtown skyline because of some overly exuberant dreams may not be working out. Who is going to pay the costs of this? We have roads and streets falling apart because of poor planning, graft or just ignorance. We hear of plans to create more play palaces and supporting hotels. Who will pay? The collapse of the South Dakota ag economy as we have grown to know, is likely to have major repercussions affecting all of us. Who is to pay?
We have a City Council, deemed by our Charter, to be the Policy Making body of Sioux Falls, overseeing the elected city manager we call a mayor. When is our City Council going to understand they have the responsibility to start directing the growth of the town so It can survive into the future?
We are hearing of locals who wish to shut up a vocal minority of current office holders because they will not back down from their desire to have the open government demanded by state law and our Charter. Shame on those who feel we need to kowtow to the closed loop authoritarians. Beatrice, NE should teach us all to question everything done in secret.
Just remember, Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
Here are the links to the stories;
Nebraska allows sales tax to pay off ‘Beatrice Six’ judgment
Faced with $28 million judgment in Beatrice Six case, Gage County has no easy options