South DaCola

Should it be called the Sioux Empire ‘Republican’ Leadership Council?

I’m not sure how many of the people on this council are Republican, but I can count quite a few;

When I think of a ‘Leadership Council’ I think of people from all political stripes. It will be interesting to see who fills the open seats. I know of only ONE Democrat on the School Board (after Alberty leaves, and that is Kate Parker. On the city council it is only Pat Starr, who would make a great addition to the council). The reason this concerns me is that when such a large group of mostly Republican ‘leaders’ get together, it usually is about the bottom line first;

“Minnehaha County is excited to expand upon existing relationships in building a collaboration that will engage both public and private sectors,” Heiberger said.

I anticipate to see strong partnerships, but I also expect to see these ‘private’ partnerships watching out for their business interests first. I suspect them to sacrifice very little while the taxpayers pick up the tab.

The Council will begin regular, quarterly meetings this fall.

It will also be interesting to see if the council meets in public, or the forum they decide on to meet in public.  


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