There are 4 candidates running for 2 spots with one incumbent. Alberty is NOT seeking re-election (I wonder if he will be offered a job with the district like the previous School Board President)?

I am recommending a vote for Anderson and Hubbel. While one is a liberal and the other a conservative, they do see eye to eye on several matters, including transparency and putting students/teachers first. Both have been critical of the top heavy administration and lack of public engagement.

While Reiter is the incumbent, in the 6 years she has been on the board, she has simply been a rubber stamper only questioning the administration when she knew her NO vote wouldn’t really matter. Baker was co-chair of the school bond issue task force. I was hardly impressed with that process.

There are two forums, Today at 5:30 at the IPC that the Chamber is sponsoring, it most likely will be live feed on the Chamber’s FB page and the School District’s YouTube Channel. There is a 2nd forum tomorrow at NOON at Democratic Forum, Royal Fork meeting room.

The School District will again use vote centers (most of them located in the Southern part of the city). I believe there is 13 of them, you can vote at any of them with a valid ID. The election will likely be hand counted again, but I am not sure. My guess is if we get around 3,500 votes cast, I will be surprised, so this could be anyone’s game.

By l3wis

29 thoughts on “UPDATE: Sioux Falls School Board Election, Tuesday May 21”
  1. Not Hubbel. Her previous stances while running for office make me never want to vote for her.

  2. The student body in Sioux Falls is racially, ethnically and religiously diverse. Lora Hubbel is a racist, anti-Muslim and ethnocentric and she’s a nut. She isn’t suited any public office and certainly not for the school board. Ick!

  3. Why do School Board members NOT have term limits?

    It is good to have some individuals with historical perspective on the Board, but once they have served two three-year terms they become entrenched.

    We have multiple examples of this on the current Sioux Falls School Board:

    Curt Alberty 12 years

    Kate Parker 10 years *Term expires 2021

    Carly Reiter 6 years

    Todd Thoelke 7 years *Term expires 2021

    The five-member School Board controls how 65% of your property taxes are used each year.

    In recent years, the four Board members listed above voted YES to authorize two opt-outs. That is in addition to the 300m that was just bonded for.

    The district’s expected to have $175.4 million in revenue, and about $176.2 million in expenses for the proposed 2020 budget.


    These are your property taxes at work, Go to the polls next Tuesday, your Vote does count!!

  4. Carly Reiter and Nan Baker are the obvious “mainstream” choices, so naturally, South DaCola endorses the other two candidates.

    I could never vote for Lora Hubbel because of the extreme views she’s taken on many issues (e.g. vaccinations).

    Sara Anderson might be fine. Someone should teach her how to properly make a campaign sign though…

  5. Thanks Scott for actually TALKING TO ME instead of talking about me. Those who think I am some of the names I have have endured …have NEVER talked to me or have never even listened to what I have said…..they only quote from Pat Powers who is covering for the corruption, coercion, and crony capitalism of the establishment. And I understand…at one time, I too, campaigned for, sent money to and believed in the establishment. But over the years their lies are too much for me to remain silent. Just so its known…I am NEVER refuted…just called names. Typical of third graders. I hope the School Board voters can see though the name calling.

  6. Ms. Hubbel,
    An alternative might be to read what you have to say on social media. THEN people can decide you are a nut job.

  7. Matthew Paulson
    Carly Reiter and Nan Baker are the obvious “mainstream” choices, so naturally, South DaCola endorses the other two candidates.

    Matthew Paulson, you continually demonstrate your own ‘narrow thinking’ on this blog…..while at same time you criticize Scott for his ‘narrow thinking’.

    Have you ever been accused of being a hypocrite?!

  8. Anonymous – Ah. I like Scott. He does a service to the community by writing about local politics and publishes scoops well before the mainstream media outlets. Granted, I don’t necessarily agree with him all that often.

    I just think Scott enjoys being a contrarian which factors into his decisions about who he supports. Clearly, one of the two candidates he’s voting for has held some rather extreme positions which probably makes them a non-viable candidate. Scott chooses to endorse them anyway because they’re not “supposed to win” and they won’t be a “rubber stamper.”

  9. Ska Sunka why don’t you just repost what I have possted so I can defend it…Don’t belike the bully Pat Powers…sometimes I post things I don’t necessarily agree with but want to play the Devil’s advocate…please substantiate your claim of me posting things that make me unfit for office or more obvious…things you don’t agree with.

  10. Only one new person will actually get in,

    But here is my thought on the issue:

    Hard Yes for Anderson,

    Her communications and statements have been great, and I’m happy to vote for her. Hopefully she will win the open slot.

    And I’m crazy to say it, but a soft yes for Hubbel


    Hubbel is kinda crazy especially if you ever saw any of her social media or stuff with the local parties,

    but her views will always be in the minority so in that sense I’m not worried about her views on….well…anything to taint the school district.

    And it is hilarious to think about what those behind-door meetings would be like with Laura there.

  11. A hard yes for Hubbel because she is not a rubber-stamp establishment candidate. She will be a strong advocate for the tax payers, students and teachers, A breath of fresh air for total transparency.

  12. The Devil on my right shoulder says, “Hubbel.” But the angel on my left shoulder says, “No way in Hell.” (“What?…Angels swear?”)

  13. After watching the League of Women Voters forum at IPC tonight, my vote will be for Anderson and Hubbel.

    Time to shake things up!

  14. In 2012, Hubbel lost to Deb Peters in a District 9 Republican Senate primary by a 51 to 49 margin.

    This a course was during the height of the Tea Party Movement; and you remember the Tea Party Movement and their legacy motto, “Keep Government Out of My Medicare.”

    But had District 9 had an electoral college then, I believe Hubbel would have been declared the winner…..#WhoNeeds85%WithAnElectoralCollege

  15. Is what Rachel says about Lora being a racist considered libel? Is there any proof Lora discriminates against people solely based on their skin color? I can’t find any statements that would support Rachel’s claim.

    And, in today’s environment anyone who disagrees with a bleeding heart liberal are called racists. What are your views on Christians, Rachel? Would labeling you anti-Christian be appropriate?

    Matthew Paulson says questioning vaccines is an extreme view, so he must think thousands of Americans are extreme. He’d probably like Jews to be forced to take a vaccines that include pig products. Nice, Matthew.

    If peter P. is Peter Pishchke, well, I’ve seen people label him as a conspiracy theorist.

    Hubbel’s going to shake that school board up, much like we see Stehly do in the city council. Students, parents and teachers will benefit from Hubbel being on our school board. The information she provided comparing teacher pay v. administrators was a little surprising and she’s ready to make changes. I also believe she will fight to keep our property taxes from increasing.

  16. Hubble?

    Dude –
    Giving her batshit crazy, conspiracy theory loving, anti-Muslim, racist voice ANY larger platform with which to speak about ANYTHING is dangerous and irresponsible.
    Her anti-vax views alone make her unfit for any office at any level of any government. Seriously.
    She shouldn’t be considered for any government office; she should be looked at with pity and disdain and shunned from polite company.

  17. I would like to know what extreme views Lora Hubbel has as well? I decided to eyeball her page to see what was extreme, nothing jumps out but, please elaborate so we can discuss. I trust Scotts endorsement of the candidates so I will lean towards his recommendations as I am not a fan of “rubber stampers” that most mainstream candidates are.

    In today’s day and age we need to start looking at candidates that challenge the status quo because all that is getting us is higher taxes, more debt, and more corruption. There is not a candidate in the world that in which everyone will agree on so what you have to do is look at what is most important to you in any particular election, rank how each candidate stacks up against that and vote accordingly.

    Rachel – What stances has she had that make her racist, I am curious and I would like to know, respectfully please inform me as I would like to judge for myself, thank you!

  18. I encourage people to watch the forum from last night. If you have never read anything about Lora on DWC you may have a different opinion about her. I chose Hubbel and Anderson because they are anti-establishment, and that’s a good thing. I don’t agree with all their stances, but neither one would be a roll over dog for the administration. Just listen to Baker and Reiter. Reiter admits she listens to the administration (doesn’t question them) and all Baker could talk about is the up-teen million boards and task forces she has sat on (another insider). I also found it interesting the thumbnail they chose for the YT video was just of Baker instead of a shot of the whole group. Not only does the board/administration WANT Baker and Reiter, they NEED them to keep the status quo. When Hubbel brought up a Forensic audit in the forum last night, you could almost hear the groans from administration.

  19. Anthony

    I would not call anyone who is anti-vaxer an extreme person. They are choosing what they want to have injected into their bodies. For some of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s we got approximately 10 immunizations as kids and most of us have not had a booster for 20-30 years and all is well. Today kids are getting 30+ and very early ages. That seems excessive and some parents don’t agree. I do think our pharmaceutical industry is out to make as much money as they can and not looking out for our best interests.

    So I don’t think its extreme and its becoming more main stream, discussed, and challenged. Do your own homework and guess what, this is a free country, vaccinate if you want or don’t, choice is yours. If you believe vaccines work, you should not be worried about the un-vaccinated, since vaccines work, your covered, right!!! 🙂

    So once again people, I don’t know this Lora Hubbel person from a hole in the wall but, I am challenging you to bring proof she is a racist and a nut ball. Respectfully I will be waiting for the proof, if you have none, how about this, try just stating the items you disagree with and back them up. No matter what please go vote your conscience, that is the best way to combat someone you disagree with. Please don’t show up and just spew a bunch of stuff that has no basis in fact. Last time I checked it was OK to disagree with someone and have opposing views. I disagree with Scott on a whole host of items and guess what, THATS OK. Neither of us lose any sleep, he keeps writing, I keep reading and commenting. So facts matter, if not its just idle talk, thank you

  20. If you needed any verification Nan Baker will rubber stamp whatever the Administration wants, listen to her answer on how the Administration is currently doing.

    Her response, “Excellent”.

    She also said repeatedly the disparity in pay between administrators and teachers is nothing to be concerned about.

    This confirmed for me what l3wis has said. The Administration would like nothing better than to have Reiter re-elected for a THIRD term and to add Nan Baker to the Board.

  21. WATCH THE VIDEO, its clear. Anderson and Hubbel are clearly the ones looking out for the taxpayer. Easy vote after watching. Scott, great work on putting this together.

  22. I want to remind people to, even if I did not post this, or the media did NO stories about it (only the Argus really has) and if there was NO forums, it would still be any one’s race. Even though Reiter is the incumbent, I’m not sure if many people would know who she is. And I expect only about 3,500 votes (split between 4 candidates) it could be close.

  23. the stepford wives and thoelke need to be shaken up. that’s why i’m voting hubbel.

  24. FFS..Michelle, Lora in her own written and spoken words has been blatantly hateful towards the LGBT community, towards the Muslim community and other minorities. Read her posts. If you’re going to spit hateful junk, then write a blog. My nephew goes to Sonia Sotamayor..lots of Muslim kids, Hispanic kids and kids of diverse backgrounds. Lora is entrenched in intolerance. Very disappointed in you to Scott.

  25. Also, from a medical, hard science perspective not vaccinating your kids is ridiculous

  26. What’s a guy to do? The Board deserves Hubbel, but do the students?

  27. Hubbel stating on her FB page, “Islam is not a religion …even Taneeza Islam says it is not”

    Wanting to shake things up and looking out for the taxpayer are not good enough reasons to put someone in elected office especially when they state things against what will be groups of students they need to look out for when elected.


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