The Skate Park Association wants to use the NorthEast corner of Nelson Park (Cliff Ave & 10th Street) for a new skate park. The city did offer them the homeless camp land behind the farmers market, but I think they felt there wouldn’t be a lot of skaters going to the Silver Moon after a day of skating 🙂 Press release below;

A public meeting to discuss the Nelson Park Master Plan will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2019, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in Meeting Room A at the Downtown Library, 200 North Dakota Avenue.

An update to the Nelson Park Master Plan was prompted from the idea of adding a skate plaza to the park. Nelson Park has been home to a modular skatepark for many years, but the local skate boarding community desires to create a new and exciting experience for all skaters. The Sioux Falls Skatepark Association has been investigating the possibilities of creating a skate plaza in downtown Sioux Falls, and will be sharing information about their findings. Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation will be presenting an updated concept plan for Nelson Park and would love for you to come and share any ideas you may have.

The master planning process allows the neighborhood and the community at‑large to provide feedback that will be used to develop the final master plan. Projects identified as part of the master plan can then be considered for future development of the City’s Parks and Recreation system.

By l3wis