Planning Director Eckhoff is asking for an advisory opinion on Thursday, July 25, from the Board of Ethics if it is appropriate for him to continue to serve on the board (he has for over 8 years, and receives a stipend). He says he will forgo the stipend. (Last page of document)

IMO, even if Jeff forgoes the stipend, I don’t think it is appropriate for him to serve on the board, especially as the planning director of the state’s largest city. This is an easy one for the BOE.

I’ve been hearing Jeff has been doing a great job for the city and works well with constituents and councilors, unfortunately he should have known to resign this position before accepting the city job – it is a major conflict.

3 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls Planning Director serves on Excel ‘Advisory’ Energy Board

  1. Please note that Jeff Eckhoff is *not* on the board of directors of Xcel Energy. As noted in the waiver request Scott links to, Mr. Eckhoff is a member of an *advisory board* of government and other officials that advises Xcel Energy.

    Because the term “board” often causes confusion, I advise my clients to use the term “board” only when referring to the governing board. Other groups can be called councils, roundtables, committees, etc.

  2. l3wis on July 21, 2019 at 6:29 pm said:

    MW, thanks for the clarification, I included in the title of the post.

  3. D@ily Spin on July 21, 2019 at 6:32 pm said:

    This is a tough one. He’s doing well at both. Certainly, there can be conflicts. Perhaps he could recuse himself when there’s an infrequent instance. I’m glad I’m not on the ethics board. This is a midsize City. It’s hard for a leader to not have lateral responsibilities.

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