South DaCola

Sioux Falls School District continues to do things A**Backwards

First they decided to push a $300 million dollar bond issue, have the finance department hand count the votes, then don’t allow the public access to the ballots.

They pushed this public funding without having a location picked for the new HS, middle school or when and if Whittier would be replaced. They also had NO plans on how to fund staffing these facilities (and still don’t) they also didn’t bother telling the public they planned a new 10 year opt-out (we all know this was in the works all along).

Now they want to draw new boundaries for the school district. While I don’t disagree this needs to be done, it should have been done way before we voted on a bond issue. The SFSD likes to do things A**backwards because they know they wouldn’t get support for the bonding if they would have drawn lines, picked new school locations and proposed a 10 year opt-out before the vote.

The SFSD has to be the sneakiest, most scheming, money grubbin’ local government agency in the state where administrators are only concerned about their own benefits and wages while local restaurants have to have bake sales to buy cheese sandwiches for the poor kids.

It’s going to be entertaining watching the new lines being drawn. Do you think the SFSD will finally become fully integrated or will the trailer park and minority students still have to go to their schools while the Lilly White still will have there’s? Will open enrollment be finally eliminated?

Just like NOT having voting precincts in the Northern half of the city in the past three school elections, I expect the segregation to continue. People who do things a**backwards often have no backbones. Now go eat your cheese sandwich and shut up!

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