South DaCola

We certainly are a city of dreamers

Jodi Schwan’s weekly column really did hit the nail on the head, I would agree we are a city full of dreamers.

While Jodi is right that when the wealthy put there minds to something in Sioux Falls, they get it done. It usually comes with an investment from taxpayers (whether they want to or not) and the private sector stepping up.

But the dreamers I see in Sioux Falls don’t run with the Sanfords and Schillers of our community.

They dream of someday making a living wage. They dream of more affordable healthcare and housing, better streets, more equitable taxes, and less increases in fees and property taxes.

We certainly like to dream, but for decades the things that would truly lift our city up economically and make our dreams a reality are ignored by the ‘big (money) dreamers’ in our community. We can continue to throw money at play palaces and failed parking ramps, but until we realize ending wage collusion and lifting all the boats in the harbor is the real answer, we will continue to just be a city of dreamers.

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