At the Sioux Falls city council meeting Tuesday Night, Bruce and I asked what is going on with the Bunker Ramp. I specifically asked why we haven’t gotten an explanation of what is going on with it, why we haven’t received an apology for such a horrible mistake and I suggested anyone involved on the council should resign and any city employee who assisted Mayor Bowlcut and Bucktooth to ramrod it be terminated.

Maybe they built it for Evil Kneival to jump over. If it’s tens of millions, it’s gotta be another entertainment palace so there’s no money for infrastructure. Open it soon. We’re running out of space for gang graffiti.
My biggest question on the future of the ramp is will we be able to use it? or is it going to sit unused for years to come while?
My guess: the whole point of approving that project was to get $20 Million to Legacy immediately so that they would not look like they were running a ponzi, when the feds investigated the copper lounge collapse.
Did you honestly expect a response when you told people to quit their jobs because they voted for this project?
They should resign. This project was doomed from the beginning. I predicted after the last attempt to stop it that it would never be completed with a hotel. The evidence that this was a bad deal was overwhelming. Anyone that incompetent to approve it is not fit for office. We should sue them for committing fraud on the tax payers. And at the very least an apology, they can’t even muster that up. It’s unfcknbeleivable.
The crane and the crane to take down the bunker ramp crane were together temporarily the “Arc of Farces.”
But no worries if you missed it, because soon you will beable to wear your 3-D glasses at the State, but just don’t try to wonder up to the 2nd or 3rd floor, however.
While the Arc of Dreams are now placed in the absence of a warning to a pending and perilous cascade event. But no worries there too, because in this town we dream and we even dream up debacles, which only a farce or farces would suffice.
On last note, the forefront picture of the Infinity sculpture for this piece is itself quite suffice. It symbolizes the increasing infinity of bad ideas and perpetual incompetence, which are beginning to overtake our town.
Once this was a town of perpetual growth spurred by the appearance of Citibank, but even the Citi is now leaving the county in hopes of a new start and dream.
Only if and when Dillard’s shows up can we begin to announce a turn around concerning all of this, however. But until then, we will be forced to eat at Dave & Buster’s and dream of a better time, when a theatre’s restoration was just merely a dream, but true progress was in state.
(“Dave & Buster’s?”…..”I was more hoping for ‘Putin’s Stroganoff & Meatballs’, myself.”……)
For a moment there, I thought it was a picture of Direct TV taking the KELO tower down…..(…”But what about the lights at Christmas time?….”)
Meanwhile, this vacant unfinished concrete colored edifice serves as a reminder of how corrupt, impractical, and (indeed) idiotic city government has become. Developers succeeded in showing how they work the strings for the puppet show at Carnegie Hall.
South Dacola posts a picture in which ‘The Arc of Dreams’ perfectly frames the image of a crane looming over the most recent example of colossal failure resulting from government involvement in private ‘partnerships’ in this state.
The crane comes down.
I think not.
Every time voters are in the DT area and see this 21m debacle, it should remind them that if they live in the SW or NW districts you will have a chance to vote OUT two councilors who approved this project.
Greg Neitzert Northwest District
Marshall Selberg Southwest District
Attention Photoshop artists: can we get emblazened between the points of The Arc of Dreams (or perhaps suspended from the arc?) a picture of the wall graphic which tru Shrimp recently comissioned for the Madison Bay Harbor project?
First Sierra threatening to sue the city at the council meeting last week, now Scott says your crew should sue the city for defrauding tax payers. Go ahead and file that lawsuit and see how far you get before you’re laughed out of the courtroom. That would be fun to watch from the sidelines.
Matt Paulson: self described “Christian, Husband/Father, Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Author, Watch Enthusiast” and apparent seminary student. Now we can add J.D. or Esq. to the list given his apparent legal expertise. Dear wonder boy, is there any brilliance that has escaped you?
when you have councilors and former councilors who still defend this project even though it’s gone down the shitter, they should be taken to court.
AFA encouraging those elected officials who voted to approve this financial fiasco to resign – Accountability! Yah, that’s a thing, Mr Paulson.
A lawyer is someone who argues to make something right then argues why it’s right. It’s an endless road with more unresolved history. How about replace the charter with democracy. Then, vote honest people to hold city offices. People who are not aligned with special interests and furthering themselves without regard for the population.
Where that crane went:
$21 million (capital cost only)
If parking revenue is not sufficient to make the bond payment:
All SF taxpayers need to remember, it is the 2nd Penny that was pledged as collateral! Yes, that same 2nd Penny that was designated to repair our roads!
And, these are the 6 City Councilors you can thank for voting YES to jeopardize the 2nd Penny:
Michelle Erpenbach, term-limited in 2018
Christine Erickson
Rick Kiley
Greg Neitzert
Rex Rolfing, term-limited in 2018
Marshall Selberg
I have a thought. Could the bunker ramp be defined as “blight,” so as to qualify the area for a massive TIF?…#WeAreOnToThem….