South DaCola

Mayor Proposes to hire a Chief of Culture

You can’t make this crap up. In the mayor’s budget hearing today he let the director of HR, Bill Dah’Toole explain why we needed a Chief Culture Officer (at around $144K a year). A majority of the council was frustrated that the mayor didn’t stick around to explain this expenditure. They also questioned Bill why him and his staff, you know, Human Resources, wasn’t working on a better ‘work’ culture together. COS Beck quickly came to Bill’s defense saying all management works on a better work culture in the city, but they really need a full-time person dedicated to it.

I have often argued you create a better culture by having fewer employees that are extremely qualified, can multi-task and you pay them good wages. You would save the city millions because you would have higher efficiency.

You want a better work culture? Hire people who already have it so you don’t have to train people on the job.

They also are looking for a full-time person to Tweet, Instagram and Facebook. They already have a part-time person dedicated to it, but they can’t handle the workload. Another situation where some of the councilors questioned what our current employees in the media department have been doing. Once again, a problem that could be solved by hiring, as Greg Neitzert would say, ‘ROCK STARS’. People that are already highly qualified so we don’t have to potty train them.

This mayor has added 17 new FTE’s in his first year and now wants to add another 20. Instead of hiring unqualified people who are political hacks or tool salesmen, he needs to hire PROFESSIONALS who can multi-task and handle work loads instead of mini-bars.

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