City Council Informational, 4 PM, Sept 3

A presentation from the planning department on a ‘Pedestrian Plan.’

City Council Regular Meeting, 7 PM, Sept 3

Item #6, Approval of Contracts. I find it interesting that the city is going to pay $300K for a school park? I have no idea what this plan is or if it is in coordination with the school district. Hopefully we will have more details at the meeting. It also looks like the money is JUST for ‘planning’ the site. We are also dumping another $45K into the indoor pool for something called ‘window fans’. I remember when they were designing the place, we were told they would take extra care in ensuring we would use durable materials and equipment to keep maintenance costs down. I find it interesting that after only a couple of years we are installing new equipment.

Item #35, 1st reading, Renewing franchise agreement with Midco.

Item #36-37, 1st Readings, Kirby downtown dog park and gifting agreement of $600K.

Planning Commission Meeting, 6 PM, Sept 4

Item #5B, Bob’s Chicken Casino. Planning department recommending denial due to neighborhood opposition.

Item #5C, Another casino on North Cliff, while some of the neighbors oppose, the Planning department recommends approval.

Item #5E, It’s a Pizza party! They want to build a pizzeria in a residential neighborhood by USF, they would serve beer. Some neighbors are opposed to alcohol in the neighborhood.

Item #5I, Looks like the Sanford Sports Complex is considering building a baseball stadium. First time I heard about this.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Sept 3-4, 2019”
  1. Re: “Item #5I, Looks like the Sanford Sports Complex is considering building a baseball stadium.” I’m all for COSF not inve$ting in any new stadium ANYWHERE for the SF Canaries. But . . . . take a Sanford announcement like this with a grain of salt. 5 days before the final city council vote on the Spellerberg pool issue (which led to building the Midco Aquatic Center) Sanford made the startling announcement they were considering an indoor pool at THEIR sports complex. Mike Heuther – champion of building the municipal indoor pool at Spellerberg Park instead – pounced on Sanford leadership about it, and nothing about that Sanford pool plan was ever uttered again.

  2. The park thing doesn’t surprise me too much. Look at Discovery Park near Discovery elementary. It’s a school playground and a city park combined. This might be something similar.

  3. Is a “Chicken Casino” designed for timid gamblers? What about a “Chicken Ranch,” would that be a good place for timid people, too?

  4. Better get organized!!

    Whose brilliant idea is it to put a pizza joint serving alcohol in a residential neighborhood which sits between two college campuses?!!**

  5. I’m pretty sure this is just as harmless as the neighborhood bar by my house, they will only be serving beer to go with pizza (what pizza place doesn’t have beer?!!). They will see it will probably be a welcome site to the neighborhood instead of a run down empty building that only encourages vagrancy. I was glad to see the Bonus Round open in my hood instead of an empty casino. They should also be glad it’s not that. Besides, the college students in that neighborhood have plenty of other bars to go to like Poppadox, etc. This should pass with flying colors.

  6. Has this “pizza joint” been cleared with Sanford? I mean, how does it fit into their 25 year plan?

    And if mary jane was legal, would we call it “pizza and joints,” or would we call it a “pizza joint serving joints?” Or, better yet, how about just “Mary Jane’s Pizza?”

    ( – and Woodstock claims: “If so the latter, I would want it to be heavy on the veggies….”)

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