Just because the mayor can’t vote on the council, doesn’t mean he still doesn’t have VETO power (which I agree with).

He also spreads the GOP talking point lie about signing a petition. Signing a petition doesn’t mean you are FOR or AGAINST something. A valid petition drive means it puts it on the ballot. It just gives you the right to vote on the measure, it doesn’t mean the measure passes. They of course know that, but they continue to muddy the waters. He also says that according to the Charter the Mayor sets the agenda. This is also a ‘half-truth’. As I have said in the past, the Charter gives the mayor the power to run the city operationally and administratively. He certainly can give policy suggestions to the city council whether he sits on the body or not, but he is NOT the policy director for the city, that is the city council. He is sadly mistaken if he thinks it is his job to set policy, another reason why we need these checks and balances put in place. And one more contentious issue that PTH didn’t bring up in the video, by making up rules two weeks into the drive (especially the one about limiting circulators) it is simply voter suppression and a violation of 1st Amendment rights. The city attorney’s opinion on this doesn’t hold much water.

Is the mayor’s leadership so minimal he has to hide his comments on Facebook? Notice how he does not remind us of his previous desire to be a small government conservative who won’t waste tax dollars on bonding? He was to be the great consensus builder opening up local government to everyone? He seems to be taking on the approach of his predecessor? He seems to have forgotten the why in this post.

Paul TenHaken was live on Facebook August 26th, 2019 to say: “Some people are trying to tinker with your city government. Let’s talk about why that’s a bad idea (in addition to the many reasons below).

☑️SmartAsset – #1 City in the country for Young Professionals.

☑️Livibility – 7th best city in the US to live in.

☑️Record building permit valuations for past 6-7 years. (yet we continue to handout TIFs, tax abatements and rebates and other corporate welfare to big developers? Why?)

☑️2.5% unemployment. (and super low wages. Around 70% of South Dakotans make below a living wage)

☑️Wallet Hub – 11th best run city in America.

☑️Paid of $4mm in bonds EARLY just three months ago.

☑️TechRepublic calls us one of the top 10 cities in the country for entrepreneurs.

BTW, thanks for the tip PTH, we’re sharing as usual to our YouTube followers.

29 Thoughts on “Sorry Paul, Sioux Falls City Government is broken, on many, many, levels

  1. taxpayer/voter on August 26, 2019 at 11:08 am said:

    After watching this, I have to ask myself

    Why is the Mayor afraid of a public vote?

    Signing a petition doesn’t mean you are FOR or AGAINST something. A valid petition drive means it puts it on the ballot. It just gives you the right to vote on the measure, it doesn’t mean the measure passes.

  2. Reliable Voter on August 26, 2019 at 12:08 pm said:

    When Governor Noem sees this, it may come as a shock to learn the SF Mayor views her authority as Governor as “lesser” than his as Mayor:

    As Governor she doesn’t preside over any meetings of the Legislature, the Governor needs a super majority to raise taxes, and SD legislators are elected by a simple plurality.

  3. Blasphemo on August 26, 2019 at 12:16 pm said:

    This video is disappointing, if not disgusting. It is the municipal politics version of a Trump rally. Our elected mayor is using a personal social media forum of biased “friends” to rally support for his very personal constitutional agenda (as opposed to a municipal project/social issue public matter agenda), in conflict with being an objective representative for all Sioux Falls citizens. Frankly, I think his use of a personal FB page for these smart phone videos he posts – as opposed to using the city’s FB page or city web site – is VERY ill-advised for the major of a city of nearly 200k persons. Clearly he is pandering to his fan base and not sharing these ideas to the local electorate at large. He’s trying to subvert the democratic process of the peoples’ right to use the petition procedure to bring an issue to a vote before all citizens. Heinous.

  4. "'Extremely' Stable Genius" on August 26, 2019 at 12:35 pm said:

    But wages suck in this town! All of these “accolades” are for the most part to the benefit of those who live in taupe houses south of 57th St.

    He’s right that you shouldn’t change government just because you don’t like certain policies, but these policies continue to pile-up. When you have to take money from Parks for roads, while at the same time you appoint people to a committee who want to tear things down and build a new ball diamond and add an extension to the Events Center, as well as throw money at the State Theatre, which all cost money, then you have to ask: What is the real game plan here?

    There are people who should be in jail for the Copper Lounge collapse, who are not. We spent $27 million at the railroad yards for what? This town is obviously run by a few and that needs to stop!

    If you really don’t like people changing government, then why do you sit back and allow the 50%+ rule to continue to apply to the election of city council members? That’s a part of government that was changed recently to benefit some, or to maintain their power base. The same folks, I would allege, who are responsible for the Copper Lounge tragedy, the railroad yard debacle, and the Bunker Ramp monstrosity.

    Sioux Falls has plateaued and we cannot afford to continue with this “dictatorial” type of government. You may not like words like “strong mayor,” or “affordable housing,” but that is what they are. The fact you want to change terms, or phrases, instead of solving the real problems is further proof that our politics has become nothing but a game of image over substance. But, so no wonder why we have become so vulnerable to political realities as railroad yard development hopes, a bunker ramp, and roads which need to steal money from Parks.

  5. Executive & Legislative SHOULD BE SEPARATE on August 26, 2019 at 1:55 pm said:

    I agree with Reliable Voter. When our democratic governments were established the idea was to totally separate executive and legislative branches for best representation of citizens. The executive branch should function separately, offer ideas for legislation, and retain veto power, but not be included or function within the legislative branch.
    This is how the state and federal function and local governments should be no different.

  6. paul has prayed about it, and jesus told him to tell us not to change the charter.

  7. I am surprised every day how little PTH and his support staff know about government, NOT just muni government. I heard someone the other day talk about how Paul and MMM are/were out of their element when it comes to governing (I can’t remember who it was) but they said how they don’t understand that running a private company and having control over your employees behind closed doors is entirely different. And I agree. I think business acumen is a good thing for a mayor to have, but they also must understand that government doesn’t run like business. There are no profit margins, trade secrets or eliminating customers that are a pain.

  8. On behalf of my Sioux County Iowa relatives: on August 26, 2019 at 2:45 pm said:

    my grandfather would react poorly to sneaking out to the garage to make a recording on the Sabbath.

  9. Separate the Branches!! on August 26, 2019 at 3:08 pm said:

    We have been forced to tolerate poor mayors and need to rectify the situation. We do not need anymore poor strong mayors!!!

    Being placed in power is always a tempting situation for one think they know more and are smarter than the general citizen.

    Enough!!! Citizens are the adults who need to be determining the direction of their government!! Separate the Legislative and Executive branches in our city!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Conservative Here on August 26, 2019 at 3:52 pm said:

    I was halfway through this video last night before I turned it off. I believe he has turned tone deaf!!!! He is failing to realize HE is just ONE of the reasons the Triple Check initiative is even in play. We need to protect our tax dollars from all this bond BS that keeps happening. I voted for Mayor Tenhaken and I am hoping we have a suitable challenger lined up for him as I think I can no longer give him the benefit of the doubt. It has nothing to do with his beliefs as a Christian but, his failure to recognize the problem as he is in an Echo chamber apparently. I don’t know anyone in SF, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, who approves of the way we are spending our money.

    I am just befuddled at our leaders at EVERY STINKING level and across the ideal spectrum which have completely sold us out. I have to wonder what “event” it will be to drive this country to erupt.

  11. This mayor does not know how to draw high paying jobs to Sioux Falls this is guy has no clue like slick Mike the mayor who wants to run it his own way.

  12. STOP THE SPENDING!!!!!!!!!!!! on August 26, 2019 at 4:35 pm said:

    I too am a conservative who voted for PTH. And I too am very disappointed about the spending in our city on unnecessary projects as well as all the tiffs offered to wealthy contractors.
    FIX OUR ROADS!!!!!!!
    PAY OFF THE *#*# projects we currently have on our backs and get out of debt BEFORE any other projects are considered. Lastly, either sell the Arena or use it as is.
    NO NEW CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. The politics of clothing on August 26, 2019 at 4:58 pm said:

    I can’t help but notice that our Mayor has a clothing strategy. Because I have never seen him with a baseball hat on before. Most likely he was talking in this video to folks who live north of 57th St., because people south of 57th tend to only wear such a hat on the greens. And he only wears a tie for special occcasions, too, like meetings with Denny. But, if he starts sporting such a hat with a sport coat and tie, then we should really be worried….. especially if the hat is red with lettering…..

  14. scott roberts on August 26, 2019 at 5:03 pm said:

    i’ll say it again. i’ve been a registered republican since for as long as i could vote and a fiscal conservative for just as long. this administration and majority of the council and the prior administration and council do not in any way represent what i believe in. now add an unqualified innovation director who has innovated nothing and possibly a culture director to make sure everyone’s on the same page. (i wonder if he/she will wear a cheerleader outfit? that might liven up the council meetings) plus i see we’ll be hiring more lawyers to work the ramp issue to the tune of 150k. i say we bill huether, rolfing, erpenbach, kiley, selberg, nietzert, ketcham and yes, even pauly t to pay for it. first group voted for it, tenhaken let it continue when he could have at least slowed it down. it’s a shit show.

  15. A Fireside Chatter on August 26, 2019 at 5:08 pm said:

    Oh, how history might have been different, if FDR would have been known for garage wood burning heater fireside chats.

    (- Woodstock asks: “Would he do a ‘Checkers speech’ from the garage, too?”)

  16. anominous on August 26, 2019 at 5:09 pm said:

    if he dint mayor full-time he’d have more time to go lift wieghts in his garage n shovel. wow its almost like a kirby wrote that script he read from.

  17. Concerned Citizen on August 26, 2019 at 5:20 pm said:

    All SF residents are represented by five members of the Charter Revision Commission.

    I just attended their meeting at Carnegie. One of the five members fell asleep SEVERAL times during this important meeting.

    I think if you can’t stay awake for a city meeting lasting a little over an hour, you do NOT deserve to hold this seat!

  18. He is against petitions mainly because of the fear of losing his grip on his self proclaimed dictatorship. His little hideaway video is laughable as well. How many more years of this nonsense?

  19. Blasphemo on August 26, 2019 at 9:13 pm said:

    A Republican like John McCain had the ethical compass to straighten out that stupid lady at his campaign rally who alleged Obama was “an Arab”. PTH, on the other hand, uses his pulpit to throw codeine kibbles to his fan club, then sits back and mutely soaks in the dazed 2-3 word declarations of adoration from the South of 57th Street taupe house Barbie-mommies. Other commenters express amazement to learn Sioux Falls has “ONLY has 8 councilors??”. Another commenter: “I heard about the petition and could not believe what I was hearing. Remove one of the branches of government … why??” Omg. REMOVE A BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT??!!! And PTH sits back and doesn’t add one word of reply to these idolatrous idiot FB pals who apparently missed out on their 8th grade civics studies. My, my. How proud PTH must be of such astute citizen followers. So…better to just let them stay uninformed and misinformed, as long as they support your agenda. . . AND tell a friend, right Paul?

  20. A lubber at Paul's Garage on August 26, 2019 at 11:27 pm said:

    I don’t know about you, but a garage is where you put things you no longer want to see, but can’t throw away. It’s where you watch football and smoke cigars so as to not smell up the house, and its a good place to hide your bottle from the old lady. It’s also were you hang that “other calendar.” Or, place your vintage car in an attempt to hold on to the past. Garages have a history of being that place where you hide from reality, or try to hide reality from the truth.

    There’s a reason why garage doors have become trendy at bars, too, because like bars, garages are where you go to drink heavily and hide from reality, or else you go to impress others and hope you can get lucky.

    ( – and Woodstock ponders: “A Paul’s Garage is so ‘Billy Carter’ of him.”)

  21. Moses6 on August 26, 2019 at 11:42 pm said:

    Zero strategy like draft dodger trump.

  22. Carpetbaggers since ever

  23. D@ily Spin on August 27, 2019 at 10:02 am said:

    A mayor on Facebook! What’s next, a president who tweets? Hey, he doesn’t cry or dress Gotti like Huether. I’m guessing but (likely) he’ll not use public money to build private indoor tennis courts for his wife. We’re getting just a little better at picking a mayor. We wouldn’t be in this place if we’d voted for Janoct.

  24. D@ily Spin on August 27, 2019 at 10:11 am said:

    I’m serious, Janoct would have addressed affordable housing and a living wage. We’d have more bafroom breaks. RIP Janoct.

  25. Sorry I voted for PTH on August 28, 2019 at 6:20 pm said:

    I voted for PTH and have regretted it ever since. Guy seems like a nice enough person and all, but cannot stop spending money like a drunken sailor.

    Lesson learned. Locally, I will be more opened minded in future elections.

  26. Politically Incorrect on August 28, 2019 at 8:48 pm said:

    I think tenhaken forgot to check with his co-mayor, erica beck, before he released this video.!!***

  27. Seney Island fisherman on August 29, 2019 at 2:02 am said:

    Say, that fish hanging on the back garage wall behind Paul, is that a ‘Big Mouth Billy Bass?’


    ( – Woodstock ponders: “Garages are a good place for Christmas gifts.” (“Before and after”))

  28. An inspiring Assistant Secretary of the Space Force on August 30, 2019 at 2:10 am said:

    How come the “co-mayor” makes more money?

  29. Why do some worry what color of hat the mayor wears ?No worries he will soon claim hes an independent. The way mayor Paul stands on things depends on what group he is talking to and which ever the wind is blowing.Possibly ole mike whispers in his ear from time to time.The person who is so worried about Paul wearing a red hat really.Trust me he is no republican.He fooled ya .He took lessons from his bff .

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