The new city petition was turned into city clerk Tom Greco this morning for review, the petitioners hope to get the petition back today so they can start collecting. They will have 6 months to collect approximately 6,500 signatures.

Since the 3 changes proposed to the charter are all under ONE section in the charter, it will require only ONE vote to change these 3 things proposed;

  1. Make city council elections a simple plurality.
  2. Remove Mayor from City Council (tie votes will now fail an item and the council chair will run the meetings).
  3. Super majority (6) to pass ANY bonds (no dollar amount would be attached, it would be for ANY bond the city council has to pass.)

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Triple Check the Charter petition turned in for review to the Sioux Falls City Clerk’s office”
  1. these have no chance of passing- too much common sense in each of them; one question- will each point be voted on separately or is it a package deal

  2. Nope, it is all in the same section in the charter, so if you vote YES, you pass all 3. If they get the 6500 signatures, it will pass, easily.

  3. Finally, make the council and mayor inert. Perhaps the debt can be tamed now that bonds and TIF’s are obsolete. The mayor and council can put something on their resume without narcissist damage. Now we need a parallel but functional government that’s 5 commissioners and a city manager.

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