There are some fine points in this short article, but I found this paragraph fascinating;

In our dynamic labor market, workers are continually shifting between jobs or moving in and out of the market. Over on the employer side, jobs are continually being filled as new ones open up. Consequently, the individuals available for work and the jobs open are not the same from one month to the next, but the trend toward fewer available workers relative to the rising number of job openings shows, in broad terms, the increasing tightness of the labor market.

Of course, available workers vary in terms of experience, skills, and location, so they may not match the occupational, skill, location, and other needs associated with job openings. This “mismatch” problem becomes especially critical when the Worker Availability Ratio is relatively low, as it is currently.

These stats will eventually go topsy-turvy, in other words, there will soon be a shortage of skilled employees. Employers really will be ‘forced’ to not only pay higher wages to attract people but they will have to train those people also. In our state and city employers are trying to get taxpayers to foot the bill for this training, even starting blue collar job training programs as early as middle school. I don’t have an issue with that, but employers need to pony up also (some are) by offering on the job (paid) training and once that training is completed successfully, higher wages. Some say money doesn’t equal happiness, but I can’t buy groceries with a smile.

4 Thoughts on “Interesting labor study by the US Chamber of Commerce

  1. A lot of the employers bring this on themselves as well, about not being able to find “skilled” workers. They have well wualified candiates but they write them off for small thing.

    Oh, looking for a job as an admin assistant for a medical office aftee having yrs working as an admin in other locations? Sorry, no medical office specific work so we dont want to take your transferable skills and teach you anything. Worked in logistics using X program with company Y and looking to do same job with a different company but they use program Z for inventory? Well, you are out of luck.

    Comoanies want you to have EXACTLY every skill they want and no longer train employees like they once used to. Employees come to new employer not really feeling challenged or get to learn anything new so they end up bored and feel they need to move on within a year or two.

  2. Plausible Deniability on September 24, 2019 at 11:02 am said:

    Erica: I agree with your assessment about employers looking for “Stepford” perfection. There seems to be little attention paid to transferrable skills. And, of course, the ageism is rampant. Employers unwilling to train? Oh. Just get one of the highest salaried jobs at City Hall. They jump at the chance to send you to summer training camp at Harvard at taxpayer expense. That’ll add great stuff to your resume for your next job back in the private sector. . . . or to work for your city boss’s next state/national political campaign.

  3. Wow, sorry for all the typos on previous post. Teztbox on phone is small and if I enlarge it wont show me full field and if I make errors dont see them to fix. Ffs sucks sometimes.

    PD, haha yeah, good luck getting into working ar City Hall unless you have a friend up in high places to get you there.

  4. "'Extremely' Stable Genius" on September 24, 2019 at 6:31 pm said:

    The legacy mentality by employees to stay with a job like their parents and grandparents use to do has been lost. Thus in return, companies don’t expect long term employees and the result is a relationship where both the employee and employer tend to use each other for short term gain.

    I am not sure who is to blame first for this, but it has created a revolving door atmosphere in the employment world, which destroys product knowledge by employees, also an interest or opportunity to truly own one’s job by employees, and thus, an unwillingness to develop employees for longevity and advancement by employers.

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