Since Tuesday’s disaster I have been waiting for a government official representing Sioux Falls and South Dakota to say the FEMA word. No one has until yesterday when Rounds finally talked about FEMA assistance. But he clarified that would be up to Noem to ask for that assistance. So Donita Trump Noem. Are you? How about you Paul? As I said to someone today, watching the city’s ‘political’ response this week is like watching 1st Graders run city government for a class experiment.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Senator Rounds the only official to use the ‘F’ Word”
  1. But haven’t you heard? Government isn’t the answer. At least that is what Uncle Ronny told us many years ago….

  2. FEMA is busy from Hurricane Dorian. It’s only the start of tropical storm season. No doubt they’re stressed and lacking budget or personnel. Likely, tornado recovery will happen before FEMA shows up. It seems regional government must find resources. There’s a citizen faction that will haul away some of the trees because there’s firewood value. Ground up limbs have particle board value. Perhaps involve a wood products company. Siding, alum sheets, etc. has no value. The city has responsibility. Their efforts have been lackluster. The county has a limited budget but they immediately set up an emergency shelter. The state has serious flooding issues after the rains. There’s also state level Ag economy slump.

    It’s very simple. The city must redirect State Theater appropriation and a few other pet projects. We’ve seen ‘Gone with the Wind’. Dennydom can wait a few years to binge watch. We need the destroyed payday loan and pawn shops to survive. We need Best Buy and Carl’s for appliances and video needs. Video games are an escape so that we can ignore criminal undemocratic city government.

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