Audit Committee meeting, Mon Sep 30, 4 PM

There is a presentation on the audit of purchasing cards. I understand why the city uses them, it prevents a lot of meaningless work by the purchasing department and the city receives rebates on the purchases. There are two cards, the first tier allows purchases under $1,000 and the second tier card allows purchases under $2,500. But here is the stunner;

From July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, the City spent approximately $5,661,822 with purchasing cards through approximately 12,600 transactions. The table below shows purchasing card spending broken down by Major Organizational Unit (MOU).

The Public Works department spent the most, which is understandable, but the one that surprised is that the finance department spent $930K. Wonder on what? The audit only covered how the program is administered and not if the purchases were justified (that I can see).

In the audit plan for 2019 they plan to audit SMG and Ovations. September 19th was the 5 year anniversary of the opening of the Denty.

City Council Informational meeting, Tue Oct 1, 4 PM

A presentation on the Beekeeping ordinance that councilors Brekke and Stehly are bringing forward. I think this is a great idea. Hopefully they have spoken with the mosquito control peeps with the city and what affects their spraying will have on bee hives in the city.

Regular City Council meeting, Tue Oct 1, 7 PM

Item #6, Approval of Contracts,

• An EOS Traction System for the Leadership Team (so they can keep on tract)

• Project TOM, this is a program that allows you to turn over your old and unrepairable trailer house for disposal at no cost.

• About $1.6 million in work to the new City Admin building. I wonder if taxpayers ever got a refund on the original defunct HVAC system? Haven’t heard a peep on that.

Item #8, They are suggesting that the Siouxperhero Award be given to the city employees for storm cleanup. While I am appreciative for what they did, they are getting paid (with our tax dollars) to do the cleanup, just another day at work, as far as I am concerned. What about the award going to all the volunteers who helped? What about the contractors? (who also received tax dollars). When this award was originally created it had some clear specifications, I’m not sure ‘city employees’ on the clock counts?

Item #17, New Retail liquor license for The Square on Main LLC. I find it interesting that the address listed for this liquor license is on the 2nd floor of the Houwman insurance building (above Coffea) in the insurance offices. Apparently you will be able to buy a cocktail while talking to your insurance agent. LOL. My assumption is they are going to eventually use the license for a restaurant or bar in the Washington Square building. I really think that the practice of ‘parking’ liquor licenses needs to be reviewed and tightened up. I think the licenses should have to be used within 90 days of purchase. It’s like the licenses that were purchased for the failed bunker ramp hotel, will those have to be resold or can they park them in a undisclosed location?

Same thing is happening with Item#32, where Sanford ‘parked’ a liquor license at the foundation house and now are transferring it to the Golf Place.

Planning Commission Meeting, Wed Oct 2, 6 PM

Item #5C, Another wedding barn. Big Whoop.

Item #5D, A second Keg Chicken location is going into the former Noodles and Company on Arrowhead Parkway.

Item #5E, Another telephone booth VL Casino. There must still be money in VL because these places continue to pop up.

Item #5F, a catering facility down by Falls Park that is asking for reduced parking.

Item #5H, Planning Department is recommending DENIAL of rezone due to the developer NOT providing enough information and NOT conforming with major street development.

By l3wis

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